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Les fonds Pétrole VS Nourriture ont été transférés à l'occupant...

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Friday 02 January 2004, 8:09 Makka Time, 5:09 GMT

The UN security council resolved to hand over the fund last May

The United Nations has effectively handed over control of Iraqi funds it administered to the US-led occupation force.
The world body has transferred $2.6 billion to the Fund for the Development of Iraq, which is managed by the US-led occupation that spearheaded the war on Iraq last year and today occupies the country, an official UN source said on Thursday.
The fund is an evolution of the seven-year-old UN oil-for-food program, whose functions were transferred to the US-led occupation forces by a UN Security Council resolution last 22 May. The $2.6 billion transfer, done in the closing hours of 2003, was the fourth and largest to the fund. One billion was transferred on May 24, a second billion in October and a third in November.
Food and medicine
The oil-for-food programme, set up in 1996, was intended to mitigate the effects of international sanctions imposed on Iraq after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait, by using UN-controlled sales of Iraqi oil to buy food and medicine for the civilian population.
In the ensuing seven years, according to UN figures, the programme has generated oil revenues totalling $65 billion. Of that, $46 billion has been allocated to the food programme, with the rest going to compensate victims of the invasion of Kuwait and financing the costs of administration and arms inspections.

Le rôle de l'Angleterre

Article lié : Khaddafi redevient fréquentable, avec pompes et conséquences

Hashem Sherif


Très bonne analyse qui montre comment les Anglais restent les maîtres du jeux

Où trouver _De Defensa_ ∫

Article lié :

Thomas Hallier


Quelqu’un pourrait-il m’indiquer si _De Defensa_ est disponible dans une bibliothèque parisienne (rien à la BnF, BPI, ni à scpo) ? Merci d’avance. TH

ROW s'affranchirait-il de la nation indispensable ∫

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... la new Europe vieillit à vue d’oeil !

Après Prague, la Suède espère d’autres marchés pour ses chasseurs Gripen
19/12/2003 - 09:11

STOCKHOLM, 19 déc (AFP) -
Forte de ses succès en Europe centrale, la Suède neutre espère que d’autres pays de l’Otan seront également tentés de se dégager de l’emprise commerciale des Etats-Unis pour acquérir ses chasseurs Gripen.
La décision de la République tchèque mercredi de louer 14 avions Jas-39 Gripen, préférés aux appareils américains, renforce les chances de la Suède pour la fourniture de matériel militaire à d’autres membres de l’Alliance, a estimé jeudi le ministre de la Défense, Mme Leni Bjoerklund.
“Qu’un autre pays membre de l’Otan choisisse le Gripen pourrait, espérons-le, faire tomber un certain nombre de barrières qui peuvent en avoir empêché d’autres de faire le même choix”, a indiqué le ministre dans un communiqué.
La République tchèque, membre de l’Otan depuis 1999, est le deuxième pays de l’Alliance à retenir le Gripen, après la Hongrie il y a deux ans. L’avion a également été placé en Afrique du Sud.
Washington avait pourtant pesé de tout son poids pour imposer à ces pays des F-16 ou des F/A-18 d’occasion, avertissant que le choix d’une technologie suédoise pourrait rendre plus difficile leur intégration dans l’Alliance.
Stockholm va donc louer à l’aviation tchèque, à partir de 2005, 14 avions de combat Jas-39 Gripen neufs au prix d’appareils d’occasion, pour une période de cinq à dix ans. La Suède propose aussi la maintenance, et la formation des pilotes tchèques.
Les appareils suédois, construits par Saab et le britannique BAE Systems, remplaceront des MiG-21 russes, hérités de l’ère soviétique.
“Je ne sais pas à combien se montait la proposition américaine, mais je pense que l’offre d’avions neufs a été un éléments important pour décrocher le contrat”, a noté Ulf Lindstroem, porte-parole du ministère suédois de la Défense.
“Le jeu décisif avec les Américains a été extrêmement dur”, a indiqué à l’AFP Owe Wagermark, porte-parole de Gripen International.
“Je suis convaincu que le fait que nous ayons gagné nous aidera de toutes façons à convaincre d’autres pays de l’Otan de signer aussi”, a-t-il ajouté.
La décision de Prague pourrait aussi faciliter les affaires du Gripen au Brésil.
Parmi les entreprises suédoises, Saab et Volvo se sont justement déclarées ravies, non seulement parce qu’elles vont bénéficier des contrats de maintenance, mais aussi parce que la valeur réelle du contrat se mesurera à ses effets sur d’autres acheteurs potentiels, le Brésil, et aussi la Slovaquie.
Il est encore trop tôt pour dire combien le contrat tchèque rapportera à la Suède, car sa durée n’est pas encore bien clarifiée. En outre, les Tchèques achèteront-ils ensuite les appareils loués, poursuivront-ils le leasing, ou changeront-ils de fournisseur?
“Louer les avions leur revient moins cher. Mais je pense qu’il est logique qu’ils les achètent à long terme. (...) Cela pourrait faire beaucoup d’argent”, juge Owe Wagermark.
Selon certains experts militaires, ce contrat montre que les anciens satellites soviétiques préfèrent jouer la carte de l’intégration européenne, au risque de se heurter à Washington.
“La République tchèque et la Hongrie ont des industries de défense petites, mais de bonne qualité, et ont besoin de partenaires. Peut-être pensent-elles qu’elles ont de meilleure chance d’intégration dans le cadre de l’UE qu’avec les Etats-Unis”, a noté Alyson Bailes, directeur de l’Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (SIPRI).
“La Hongrie et les Tchèques sont déjà dans l’Otan, et on ne sait pas trop ce qu’ils peuvent perdre en déplaisant aux Etats-Unis. Or ils ont beaucoup à faire dans l’UE”, qu’elles rejoindront en mai 2004, a-t-il ajouté.
La Pologne, au contraire, a snobé le Gripen il y a quelques mois, et a commandé 48 F-16 américains.

© 2003 AFP.

Le ridicule ne tue plus : à propos des WMD de Saddam

Article lié : Le ridicule ne tue plus : à propos des WMD de Saddam



“C’est un signe très inquiétant de la dégradation des capacités américaines à distinguer l’hypothèse possible de la fiction hallucinée dans leurs évaluations.”

Il semble que le caractère complètement hallucinant des attentats du 11 septembre ait amené les organes de sécurité américains à envisager d’autres sénari tout aussi improbables.

L’absence de WMD en Irak sera sans doute le le seul moyen pour les faire revenir sur terre…du moins espérons le.

Les USA se sont enfonces dans l'extreme droite

Article lié :

Steven Rix


J’ecris souvent des articles, et dans un de mes articles aux USA j’avais accuse l’administration Bush d’avoir deporte en debut d’annee a peu pres 6000 musulmans des USA sans raison apparente, juste parce qu’ils etaient musulmans, la plupart des gens se sont offenses et ont crie “au menteur”, en fait c’est plus de 13,000 personnes qui ont ete deportees.
A l’heure actuelle, les USA ont desormais envisage une operation d’envergure pour deporter a peu pres 2 millions de gens hors des USA, c’est l’operation ICE qui a deja commence avec les saisies de la main d’oeuvre illegale dans les magasins wal-mart. Bien sur cette operation s’applique pour resorber le taux de chomage aux USA et justifier que les 450 milliards de taxcuts ont cree des emplois en vue d’une re-election presidentielle de Bush.

Et voici l’article des deportations:

Les USA se sont enfonces dans l'extreme droite

Article lié :

Steven Rix


J’ecris souvent des articles, et dans un de mes articles aux USA j’avais accuse l’administration Bush d’avoir deporte en debut d’annee a peu pres 6000 musulmans des USA sans raison apparente, juste parce qu’ils etaient musulmans, la plupart des gens se sont offenses et ont crie “au menteur”, en fait c’est plus de 13,000 personnes qui ont ete deportees.
A l’heure actuelle, les USA ont desormais envisage une operation d’envergure pour deporter a peu pres 2 millions de gens hors des USA, c’est l’operation ICE qui a deja commence avec les saisies de la main d’oeuvre illegale dans les magasins wal-mart. Bien sur cette operation s’applique pour resorber le taux de chomage aux USA et justifier que les 450 milliards de taxcuts ont cree des emplois en vue d’une re-election presidentielle de Bush.

Et voici l’article des deportations:

erosion des libertes

Article lié : Et maintenant, l’apocalypse pour les présidentielles

Steven Rix


L’armee fait dorenavant partie de la vie civile des Etats-uniens.
Les craintes des Americains sont multiples et ne vont pas forcement dans la meme perception du regime Bush: une attaque similaire a celle du 11 septembre plongerait les USA dans une faillite economique sans precedent et entrainerait un soulevement de la population pour les avoir expose a un tel danger.

Depuis le 11 septembre les USA ont perdu une partie de leur population qui est partie vers l’Europe ou l’Amerique Latine, le systeme democratique a completement change en l’espace de 2 ans avec le Patriot Act et un pouvoir accru du FBI pour surveiller sa population.
Il y a forcement une baisse de confiance du governement americain dans le brassage de sa population, et les neocons traitent de terroristes tous les gens qui ne sont pas pour le regime de Bush: ca sent le totalitarisme.
Certains Etats n’ont pas suffisament d’argent et l’annee presidentielle de 2004 se fera seulement a 1 tour pour ces Etats-la.
C’est le systeme democratique qui est en train de s’effondrer.

Bush visite Bagdad: ce n'est pas de l'intox

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Bush Makes Surprise Trip to Baghdad to Visit American Troops on Thanksgiving
11/27/03 6:49PM
By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent
139.5 KB, 28K Modem 2:25

President Bush made a surprise Thanksgiving visit to American troops in Baghdad Thursday, flying secretly to violence-scarred Iraq to thank U.S. forces for serving there. It was the first trip ever by an American president to Iraq - a mission tense with concern about his safety.

“You are defending the American people from danger and we are grateful,” Bush told some 600 soldiers who were stunned and delighted by his appearance.

The president’s plane - its lights darkened and windows closed to minimize chances of making it a target - landed under a crescent moon at Baghdad International Airport.

Bush flew in on the plane he most often uses, and White House officials went to extraordinary lengths to keep the trip a secret, fearing its disclosure would prompt terrorist attempts to kill him.

With the president out of sight, L. Paul Bremer, the chief U.S. civilian administrator, told the soldiers it was time to read the president’s Thanksgiving proclamation and that it was a task for the most senior official present.

“Is there anybody back there more senior than us?” he asked. That was the cue for Bush, who promptly stepped forward from behind a curtain, setting off pandemonium among the troops.

“I was just looking for a warm meal somewhere,” he joked. “Thanks for inviting me. I can’t think of finer folks to have Thanksgiving dinner with than you all.”

While here, Bush spoke with soldiers from the 1st Armored Division and the 82nd Airborne Division at an airport mess hall. “You are defeating the terrorists here in Iraq,” he said, “so we don’t have to face them in our own country.”

Terrorists are testing America’s resolve, Bush said, and “they hope we will run.”

“We did not charge hundreds of miles into the heart of Iraq, pay a bitter cost of casualties, defeat a ruthless dictator and liberate 25 million people only to retreat before a band of thugs and assassins,” the president said, prompting a standing ovation and cheers.

“We thank you for your service, we’re proud of you, and America stands solidly behind you,” Bush said. And he urged the people of Iraq to “seize the moment and rebuild your great country based on human dignity and freedom.”

“The regime of Saddam Hussein is gone forever,” he said. Bush also pledged the help of the United States and its coalition partners, saying “we will stay until the job is done. I’m confident we will succeed.”

Wearing an exercise jacket with a 1st Armored Division patch, Bush stood in a chow line and dished out sweet potatoes and corn for Thanksgiving dinner and posed with a platter of a fresh-baked turkey.

Soldiers at the dinner spoke enthusiastically about Bush.

“He’s got to win in ‘04. No one else can prosecute this war like he can,” said Army Capt. John Morrison from Butler County, Pa. Said PFC1 Kyle Crittenden of Humboldt County, Calif.: “I’m proud to serve in his Army.”

The news of Bush’s trip was not released until he was in the air on the way back to the United States. “If this breaks while we’re in the air we’re turning around,” White House communications director Dan Bartlett told reporters on the flight to Baghdad.

Plans for the trip were tightly held among a handful of senior aides. First lady Laura Bush, preparing a Thanksgiving Day dinner, was not told until Tuesday or Wednesday. Bush’s parents, former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, were invited to his ranch for the holiday but were not informed.

As for Bush taking the risk of a trip to Baghdad, Bartlett said it was appropriate for the president to visit troops on Thanksgiving. “It is also appropriate that the president travel in a way that his safety and security will not be compromised,” he said.

Bush said with confidence that measures had been taken to ensure his safety and that of others.

The president had slipped away from his Texas ranch in an unmarked vehicle and was driven to a nearby airport, where he climbed aboard Air Force One on the back stairs rather than the front.

“If you were sitting outside the ranch waiting for the president you would not have known the president had just left,” Bartlett said.

The plane stopped at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., outside Washington, to pick up a few aides and four reporters and a camera crew sworn to secrecy. Five photographers and another reporter accompanied him from Texas after being summoned just hours before his departure.

Security fears were heightened by an attack last Saturday in which a missile struck a DHL cargo plane, forcing it to make an emergency landing at the airport with its wing aflame.

Bush spent about two and a half hours on the ground, limiting his visit to the airport dinner with U.S. forces. The troops had been told that the VIP guests would be L. Paul Bremer, the U.S. administrator in Iraq, and Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, commander of coalition forces in Iraq.

In a ruse staged in the name of security, the White House had put out word that Bush would be spending Thanksgiving at his ranch in Crawford with Mrs. Bush and his parents and other family members. Even the dinner menu was announced.

Instead, Bush slipped away from his home without notice.

Within the White House only a handful of senior aides knew about the trip, officials said.

Security fears were underscored by regular attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq. More than five dozen U.S. troops were killed by hostile fire in November, more than any other month since the end of major combat in Iraq on May 1. Early this week, a U.S. military official, Col. William Darley, said attacks peaked at more than 40 per day about two weeks ago and have since dropped to about 30 per day.

The violence persisted Thursday as the president was en route here.

Insurgents fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the Italian mission in Baghdad, damaging the building but causing no injuries, the U.S. military said. Also, a U.S. military convoy came under attack on the main highway west of Baghdad near the town of Abu Ghraib, witnesses said. And in the northern city of Mosul, unidentified gunmen shot dead an Iraqi police sergeant, said Brig. Gen. Muwaffaq Mohammed.

Since operations began, nearly 300 U.S. service members have died of hostile action, including 183 since May 1 when Bush declared an end to major fighting.

Bush’s father visited U.S. troops at a desert outpost in Saudi Arabia on Thanksgiving Day 1990, in the runup to the Gulf War. The first President Bush had been the first U.S. president to visit a war zone since President Nixon went to Vietnam in 1969.

Dwight David Eisenhower, as president-elect, visited Korean battle fronts in December 1952 and President Lyndon Johnson made two wartime trips to Vietnam

Un nouveau 9/11 en pire

Article lié : Et maintenant, l’apocalypse pour les présidentielles

Frans Leens


Tommy Francks et d’autres prépare sans rire la dictature militaire aux USA, alors qu’ils n’arrivent même plus à l’imposer au Venezuela comme ils l’ont fait si souvent par le passé en Amérique du sud et ailleurs.
Il leur manque vraiment une case.
Le 9/11 a été une tentative de mettre le monde du côté US à peu de frais (qu’est ce moins de 3.000 morts dans ce débat). Cela ne marche évidemment pas et ils préparent donc la prochaine étape, cette fois-ci de manière explicite. Eisenhower avait raison quand il mettait l’amérique en garde contre le lobby militaro-indistriel (voir le film JFK). Emmanuel Todd dans son livre “Après l’empire” prévoit pour les USA une culbute similaire à celle de l’URSS en 1989. Il semble à vous lire qu’il faut se préparer à pire.
Merci pour tout votre excellent travail.


Article lié :

Prunelia Stuart


Bush brother tells of sex adventures and tangled deals
The Daily Telegraph (UK) | 27 November 2003

By Alec Russell in Washington

Neil Bush, the younger brother of President George W. Bush, was promised
$2 million in a business deal with a firm backed by the son of a former
Chinese president, it emerged yesterday.

In a deposition that could prove embarrassing to the White House, Mr
Bush shed light on the usually closed and frequently lucrative world of
deal-making in China.

Neil Bush with his daughters, Lauren and Ashley, and former wife Sharon

He also admitted a series of sexual adventures while on trips to
Thailand and Hong Kong.

The details of business deals and his complicated private life were
recorded in March, when Mr Bush was questioned by divorce lawyers for
his now ex-wife Sharon. They were divorced in April but the legal
wrangling continues and the papers were made public yesterday.

Mr Bush, 48, was questioned about a contract with Grace Semiconductor
Manufacturing Corporation, a firm backed by Jiang Mianheng, the son of
former President Jiang Zemin, that would pay him $2 million in stock
over five years.

Marshall Davis Brown, Mrs Bush’s lawyer, asked Mr Bush why the firm
would want his services and at such a price given he had no expertise in
the semiconductor business.

“You have absolutely no educational background in semiconductors do
you?” he asked.

“That’s correct,” Mr Bush replied.

“And you have absolutely, over the last 10, 15, 20 years, not a lot of
demonstrable business experience that would bring about a company
investing $2 million in you?” “I personally would object to the
assumption that they’re investing $2 million in me,” said Mr Bush, who
went on to say that he was an experienced businessman and had worked in
Asia for many years.

Mr Bush said he had not yet received any stock from Grace, whose deal
was signed in August 2002. He said he is meant to consult for the
company and be on the board of directors.

The details will compound Mr Bush’s reputation for using his family’s
name to gain backing for his businesses and also further his record as
the family’s prime source of potential embarrassment for his elder
brother in the Oval Office.

The third of five children of former President George Bush and his wife,
Barbara, he was linked to a business controversy in 1988 when he was
director of Silverado Savings and Loan, a Colorado bank that collapsed
at a cost to taxpayers of $1 billion.

Over the past few years he has travelled widely to the Middle East and
Asia, two regions where his father has considerable connections and
influence. He says he makes courtesy visits and denies that he is
seeking investors for his firm.

In December 2001 President Jiang threw a private dinner for him in
Beijing. One witness said that Mr Jiang even serenaded him with a
military song.

Mr Bush and his wife divorced in April after a 23-year marriage but the
wrangling continues.

Mr Bush admitted in his deposition that he had slept with other women on
trips to Asia. The women, he said, knocked on his door and entered. He
said he did not know if they were prostitutes because they did not ask
for money.

He said he joined the board of Grace at the request of Winston Wang, a
co-founder of the firm, who, he said, is an investor in his educational
software business in Austin, Texas. Mr Bush never mentioned Jiang

He was also questioned about other well-paid business ventures. He said
he was co-chairman of Crest Investment Corporation, and that for working
an average of three to four hours a week, he received $15,000 every
three months.

He said he provided “miscellaneous consulting services” for Crest.

“Such as?” asked Mr Brown.

“Such as answering phone calls when Jamail Daniel, the other
co-chairman, called and asked for advice,” Mr Bush said.

U.S. implements Israeli Tactics in Iraq

Article lié :




Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

Nov. 22, 2003

U.S. Seeks Advice From Israel on Iraq

As the occupation grows bloodier, officials draw on an ally’s experience
with insurgents.

By Esther Schrader and Josh Meyer
Los Angeles Times | November 22, 2003,1,7715171.story?coll=la-home-headlines

EXCERPT: “After years of working closely together at all levels, the
Israeli and U.S. militaries in some respects think increasingly alike,
said Shoshana Bryen, director of special projects at the Jewish
Institute for National Security Affairs, a nonprofit group in Washington
interested in links between U.S. and Israeli defense tactics and
policy…The Americans learned a lot from the Israelis’ use of them
[bulldozers] in urban combat…[they] learned that if you have fighting
in an urban area, you just take down the house.”

WASHINGTON Facing a bloody insurgency by guerrillas who label it an
“occupier,” the U.S. military has quietly turned to an ally experienced
with occupation and uprisings: Israel.

In the last six months, U.S. Army commanders, Pentagon officials and
military trainers have sought advice from Israeli intelligence and
security officials on everything from how to set up roadblocks to the
best way to bomb suspected guerrilla hide-outs in an urban area.

“Those who have to deal with like problems tend to share information as
best they can,” Stephen Cambone, undersecretary of Defense for
intelligence, said Friday at a defense writers breakfast here.

The contacts between the two governments on military tactics and
strategies in Iraq are mostly classified, and officials are reluctant to
give the impression that the U.S. is brainstorming with Israel on the
best way to occupy Iraq. Cambone said there is no formal dialogue
between the two allies on Iraq, but they are working together.

Indeed, the U.S. is loath to draw any comparison between what it says is
its liberation of Iraq and what the international community has
condemned as Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza

But Israeli and American officials confirm that with extremists carrying
out suicide bombings and firing rocket-propelled grenades and missiles
on U.S. forces in Iraq, the Pentagon is increasingly seeking advice from
the Israeli military on how to defeat the sort of insurgency that Israel
has long experience confronting.

The Israelis “certainly have a wealth of experience from a military
standpoint in dealing with domestic terror, urban terror, military
operations in urban terrain, and there is a great deal of intelligence
and knowledge sharing going on right now, all of which makes sense,” a
senior U.S. Army official said on condition of anonymity. “We are
certainly tapping into their knowledge base to find out what you do in
these kinds of situations.”

Many of the tactics recently adopted by the U.S. in Iraq increased use
of airpower, aerial surveillance by unmanned aircraft of suspected
sites, increased use of pinpoint search and seizure operations, the
leveling of buildings used by suspected insurgents bear striking
similarities to those regularly employed by Israel.

Two Israeli officials one from the Jerusalem police force and a second
from the Israel Defense Forces confirmed on condition of anonymity
that U.S. officials had visited Israel to gain insight into police and
military tactics. They also said Israeli officials have visited
Washington to discuss the issues.

U.S. officials were particularly interested in the “balancing act” that
Israeli officials say they have tried to pursue between fighting armed
groups and trying to spare civilians during decades of patrolling the
occupied territories.

“There are routine channels that have been there for years, and those
channels have been energized,” an Israeli official said of the
communications. “The American military has been very interested in our
lessons in how do you do surgical strikes in an urban zone, how do you
hit the bad guy with minimum collateral damage.”

Some U.S. officials acknowledge that they blanch at the idea of the
Pentagon adopting tactics from Israel, a nation regularly criticized for
security tactics it employs to battle armed groups it has never managed
to quell. And even Israeli officials acknowledge that they are somewhat
reluctant to give advice.

“After all,” one Israeli official said, “we’ve made plenty of mistakes

Indeed, criticism of the Israeli army’s tactics against Palestinians has
been mounting within Israel. The current chief of staff, Moshe Yaalon,
along with a group of retired heads of the Shin Bet internal security
service and even some active-duty soldiers say the methods have been
unduly harsh and threaten to destroy Israeli and Palestinian society if
no solution is found to the conflict.

But such concerns have not slowed the flow of information between
Washington and Jerusalem.

When Iraqi insurgents began firing from vehicles on U.S. troops at
checkpoints, U.S. officials were prompted to reinforce their ties to the
Israeli military and glean tips on how to prevent such attacks, Israeli
officials said.

Now, in frequent meetings with their American counterparts, Israeli army
officials share ideas on how to protect soldiers from attacks and booby
traps, Israeli officials said.

U.S. military officials also have reviewed a common Israeli tactic of
conducting house-by-house searches for armed fighters by knocking down
interior walls with a portable battering ram. The tactic eliminates the
need to pass through doors and windows Ñ one of the most dangerous
aspects of urban combat, because of possible booby traps.

In the last week, U.S. soldiers began leveling houses and buildings used
by suspected guerrillas, a tactic long employed by the Israeli military
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, where they use bulldozers to knock
down the homes of militants or their families.

“The Americans learned a lot from the Israelis’ use of them [bulldozers]
in urban combat,” a former Israeli official said. “Israelis learned that
if you have fighting in an urban area, you just take down the house.”

This spring, U.S. soldiers, anticipating that they could be fighting on
the streets of Iraqi cities, traveled to Israel to train in a mock Arab
town that the Israeli army uses to simulate the urban battlefields of
the West Bank and Gaza, U.S. and Israeli officials said.

That training was an extension of the growing use of Israeli military
ranges by the U.S. over the last decade. During that time, said Lenny
Ben-David, a former Israeli deputy chief of mission at the embassy in
Washington, Israeli military ranges have been increasingly used by
American helicopter pilots for training, because they could not fly at
night in places like Germany.

“There are bases in Israel that for the last couple of years would be
turned over to a foreign army for a few days, a week or so. The Israelis
would be hosts. The U.S. is one of them,” said Ben-David, now a private
security consultant. “They could use equipment, they could use
facilities, use the ranges. You’d get a mix of pilots and they would sit
and talk tactics.”

After years of working closely together at all levels, the Israeli and
U.S. militaries in some respects think increasingly alike, said Shoshana
Bryen, director of special projects at the Jewish Institute for National
Security Affairs, a nonprofit group in Washington interested in links
between U.S. and Israeli defense tactics and policy.

“Part of what’s going on here is the culmination of years of picking
each other’s brains,” Bryen said. “There is no sudden alliance, but what
you end up with over the long term is a lot of guys from both countries
who think and look at things the same way. After 9/11 they discovered
they had more things to talk about.”

For generations the Israeli military has enjoyed close relations with
the Pentagon, which prides itself on its ability to learn from, not just
preach to, the armed forces of its allies. At any time, dozens of
Israeli officers are studying at Pentagon-run war colleges and training

American special forces regularly train with their Israeli counterparts,
both in the U.S. and in Israel. After the Israelis used unmanned drones
in battlefield situations in Lebanon in 1982, the Pentagon studied the
tactic. Some of the sensor technology that the United States military
uses to protect the perimeters of its bases was pioneered by Israel.

Much of the information shared with the U.S. involves the defensive
tactics and training that Israel has constantly updated for its troops
and police in the occupied territories, where they are familiar not only
with the most current tactics and code of ethics but the international
laws that apply as well, the two Israeli officials said.

This month, for example, Lt. Col. Amos Guiora, the commandant of the
Israeli army’s School of Military Law, was in Washington to demonstrate
some new software developed by the Israelis to train commanders how to
conduct themselves in the occupied territories. During his visit, he
showed the software to a group of American officials, he said.

“I’ll say only this,” he said. “They saw it, and they were impressed.”

Israel’s defense minister typically visits the Pentagon three to four
times a year. The current defense minister, Shaul Mofaz, met Nov. 10
with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Officials privy to the
meeting said the subject of Iraq came up, but declined to elaborate.

The two nations also compare notes on battle operations and equipment,
particularly if something goes wrong.

“After some incidents, if there is a failure in the system an F-16
goes down there is discussion, cooperation among the armies that use
these and the United States,” Ben-David said.

“It used to be that generals and admirals would come by in almost
state-like visits,” said Ben-David, who in his consulting works with
Israeli and U.S. officials. “But the relationship is such that you now
get line-type soldiers coming here to meet with their counterparts.”

The HOFFMAN WIRE is a public service of Independent History and Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816 USA

Disclaimer: The Hoffman Wire is a controversial and politically incorrect e-mail letter. The views expressed in the Hoffman Wire are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not reflect the views of the transmitters.

L'empire le plus court de l'histoire

Article lié : Un monde complètement étranger au monde réel



Tout comme Saddam a du payé un prix très élevé (et c’est un euphémisme) pour l’erreur fatale que fut sa décision d’envahir le Koweit, Bush et la nation américaine s’apprêtent à subir le même sort. Les gesticulations du président américain n’y changent rien, il vit actuellement dans un monde complètement virtuel et un jour ou l’autre il sera rattrapé par une réalité qui commence déjà à se dessiner, à savoir la défaite de l’armée américaine en Irak mais ça ne sera pas à mon avis dans un avenir très proche. En effet, Bush a fait preuve pendant la phase d’avant la guerre de beaucoup d’obstination. Son profil psychologique le prépare donc à encore plus d’entêtement dans cette nouvelle phase, ce qui en définitif ne fera qu’augmenter l’addition.
Les USA et le reste du monde réaliserons après cette défaite prévisible la limite de la puissance américaine.
La propagande médiatique et culturelle y compris ou surtout Hollywoodienne a jusqu’alors très bien marché. La preuve c’est qu’ils ont fini eux même par croire qu’ils sont inattaquables, invincibles, les plus forts partout.. un peuple élu en somme.
La réalité si on l’analyse de près est tout autre : déficit record, scandales financiers sans précédent, services de renseignement titanesques mais complètement ridiculisés, armée faisant appel à des mercenaires se battant contre des pays insignifiants sur le plan militaire et j’en passe.
Enfin, en attendant un vrai nouvel ordre mondial où l’europe, la chine, l’inde et le japon joueront des rôles à la mesure de leurs puissances économiques et humaines, je pense qu’on va assister à une chute retentissante de l’empire le plus court de l’histoire humaine.

Sur "Les neocons n’avaient pas tort : le désordre s’étend"

Article lié : Les neocons n’avaient pas tort : le désordre s’étend

Pierre Lalanne


Bonjour et félicitations pour les informations objectives que vous divulguez.

A propos des attentats en Turquie (11/03), je pense que les commanditaires sont l’Administration Bush, la CIA.

Les événements du 911 à NYC ont été, comme vous le savez, commandités et dirigés par l’ABush. Ben Laden et peut-être Al Qaida sont une émanation de la CIA et il n’y a aucune raison de penser qu’ils ne continuent pas à se soutenir mutuellement (ma conclusion est que ces dernier ont fait courir des bruits à d’attentats à l’avion détourné pour dédouaner L’ABush des attaques sur NYC et le Pentagone - puis le procureur Olson a fait le reste avec ses bobards téléphoniques d’un avion détourné).

Les USA continuent simplement à faire ce qu’ils savent le mieux faire et ont toujours fait: mentir à la télévision devant le monde entier - manipuler - jouer les gros bras - assassiner - faire la guerre - vendre des armes - placer leurs industriels partout où ils le peuvent - utiliser leur capacité guerrière à voler les démunis - utiliser leur capacité d’espionnage à voler leurs alliés - bref, foutre le bordel partout sans en avoir l’air pour dominer par la peur.

Depuis toujours les présidents élus du pays de la liberté fomentent des guerre dans le monde en se cachant de leur Sénat et de leur Congrès (ou plutôt devant leurs yeux complaisamment fermés). Pourquoi agissent-ils ainsi ? Pour rembourser la dette de leur coûteuse élection payée par les industriels (industriels destructeurs de la vie: industrie chimique, industrie d’armement) bien sûr, mais surtout parce qu’une personne briguant ce poste n’est pas le premier mégalomane venu, sa conscience étant entièrement polarisée par sa carrière, et il doit se soumettre à la règle de l’établissement (JFK assassiné parce qu’il voulait arrêter la guerre du Viet-nam), quitte à devoir empoisonner la terre entière (Reagan autorisant par l’intermédiaire de Hayce la mise sur le marché de l’aspartame contre l’avis de la FDA).

Comment expliquer que le peuple américain admette de telles horreurs sans exiger des enquêtes ? Comment peut-on être aussi crétin ? Je vous livre mon fond de pensée: je crois que l’américain (moyen et supérieur) a très peu de chose communes avec un être humain. Nourri de vaches aux hormones assaisonnée de pesticides, et de délires mormons, pentecotistes et scientologiques, il s’achemine à grands pas vers sa destruction en entraînant de préférence la terre entière dans les remous de son sillage.

Pour conclure je dirais que s’il existe un pays terroriste sur cette terre, il s’appelle Sionisme-USA. Les foules musulmanes sont pacifiques car leur religion leur dicte la retenue, l’attitude juste, la considération d’autrui. Pour la plupart d’entre eux le Jihad est la lutte contre leur propre ego afin de devenir meilleur. Bien sûr, il naît chez eux des leaders mégalomanes. Mais ces individus sont des cas mineurs à l’esprit dérangé par une interprétation polarisé du Coran ou par les directives de la CIA, leur bût principal est de briller et de commander dans des clans, ils ne peuvent pas être un danger pour l’occident (le Pakistan à la botte des USA a aidé aux événements du 911 et il a autre chose à faire que d’envoyer des bombes atomiques sur Israël).

Le 21/11/03. Pierre Lalanne.

affaire d'espionnage de la NSA

Article lié :

Steven Rix


Je viens de tomber par hasard sur une page de l’observer au royaume uni: avant la guerre les USA demandaient a la Grande-Bretagne de faire de l’espionnage intensifie contre les Nations Unis. J’ai eu du mal a croire cela mais j’ai trouve le memo. Ca vaut le coup d’oeil, ne serait-ce de savoir ce qui se passe dans le camp anglo-saxon.


I don’t think this day will ever happen. Even the Britons working at the secret services in collaboration with the NSA did not want Blair to go to war in Iraq. For example, the NSA had asked the Brits to do intensified spying on the UN before the war in Iraq.
Here is the story: there was a person in charge of doing code-breakings that leaked the memo of the NSA information to the UN (ah busted). (Then a few months later, New-Zealand leaked other information to the EU.)

The reason why the person did it was to prevent wide-scale deaths of Iraqis and an illegal war that could deteriorate the image of the UK and ipso-facto the one of Tony Blair.
I’m sorry but she did her job and she is indeed a British patriot and not a traitor. And it is great now because although she is going to be judged really soon the whole case of legality of the war in Iraq is going to be brought up too! She has to go to court at the end of the month.
It is going to make look like the NSA very bad: not trusting the alliance, but it is not new at all, the NSA and the CIA have been doing that for more than 50 years now.
In this world anyway, we have lots of personns who would have done the same thing. Usually, at the secret services we have 2 types of personns:
#1 The ones who want to save innocent life and want to avoid wars even if they jeopardize their jobs.
#2 The ones who would not hesitate a moment to kill innocent persons to go to war
In the eyes of the administration, only case #2 is considered as a patriot duty.
#3 The robots
What happened before the war, and still happen in the secret services is that lots of countries all over the world disagreed with the US. As I told you before, we knew there was no wmd in Iraq.
There was also an alliance before between NZ, Australia, UK and the USA (anglo-saxon) to spy on the rest of the world, and the alliance is going to be disolved really soon. There has always been a compartmentalization of the secret services from occidental Europe with the anglo-saxon one.
It is too bad that the Bush administration won’t acknowledge that Israel and the meeting in London gave them wrong information. As I told you before a neocon guy working in the Bush administration may have given wrong information to Bush provoking a clash of civilization in the middle-east. Now Bush is stuck and cannot acknowledge it, this is why Rumsfeld got demoted.
I am just getting tired of the dirty tricks of your government and I am not the only one.


To: [Recipients withheld]
From: FRANK KOZA, Def Chief of Staff (Regional Targets)
Sent on Jan 31 2003 0:16
Subject: Reflections of Iraq Debate/Votes at UN-RT Actions + Potential for Related Contributions
Importance: HIGH
Top Secret//COMINT//X1


As you’ve likely heard by now, the Agency is mounting a surge particularly directed at the UN Security Council (UNSC) members (minus US and GBR of course) for insights as to how to membership is reacting to the on-going debate RE: Iraq, plans to vote on any related resolutions, what related policies/ negotiating positions they may be considering, alliances/ dependencies, etc - the whole gamut of information that could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favorable to US goals or to head off surprises. In RT, that means a QRC surge effort to revive/ create efforts against UNSC members Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Bulgaria and Guinea, as well as extra focus on Pakistan UN matters.

We’ve also asked ALL RT topi’s to emphasize and make sure they pay attention to existing non-UNSC member UN-related and domestic comms for anything useful related to the UNSC deliberations/ debates/ votes. We have a lot of special UN-related diplomatic coverage (various UN delegations) from countries not sitting on the UNSC right now that could contribute related perspectives/ insights/ whatever. We recognize that we can’t afford to ignore this possible source.

We’d appreciate your support in getting the word to your analysts who might have similar, more in-direct access to valuable information from accesses in your product lines. I suspect that you’ll be hearing more along these lines in formal channels - especially as this effort will probably peak (at least for this specific focus) in the middle of next week, following the SecState’s presentation to the UNSC.

Thanks for your help