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Article lié : “Tremblement de terre” au Pentagone et alentour



Vous vous refuserez peut-être à imaginer que le système est encore capable d’une telle stratégie (je n’en sais rien), mais on peut au moins formuler l’hypothèse d’une neutralisation préventive du projet, lui-même encore très hypothétique, de préférence européenne dans les achats d’armes. C’est-à-dire, la main sur le coeur : “Comment ? Vous nous fermeriez vos marchés au moment où nous vous ouvrons le nôtre ?”. Et de prêcher pour un grand marché transatlantique. La main sur le coeur.

Le Kosovo et l’infatuation européenne

Article lié : Le Kosovo et l’infatuation européenne



Le dernier paragraphe fait un bon constat. Vielen Dank Herr Weisskirchen !
Mais ce n’est pas par “humanitarisme” même mièvre, même dévoyé que la destruction des Etats se poursuit. D’autres causes crèvent les yeux.
Par ailleurs, et sur le plan de la cuisine, ne sous-estimez pas l’importance de Bondsteel (La Sublime Porte se réveille et ruse avec les USA) Certes, il y en a d’autres au Kosovo même (Able Sentry, Monteith, ...) mais Camp Bondsteel qui est déjà considérable n’en est encore qu’à ses balbutiements. Je me demande quand ils vont construire les pistes pour gros porteurs, prévues depuis plusieurs années. Peut-être que dans le cadre de sa coopération spatiale avec les EU, la Grande Albanie (dont la réalisation la plus scientifique est le Kanoun) inscrira Bondsteel comme terrain d’atterrissage de secours de la navette…


Article lié : “Tremblement de terre” au Pentagone et alentour



Ce contrat serait il une carotte pour amadouer les francais..?

A James

Article lié :



DEBKA est un ramassis de conneries.
C’était particulièrement flagrant lors de la guerre de l’été 2006.

Prise de conscience de l'USAF

Article lié : “Tremblement de terre” au Pentagone et alentour



J’ai pensé la même chose que vous lorsque j’ai lu la nouvelle: l’USAF se sent dans une position de faiblesse telle, qu’elle préfère se concentrer sur sa capacité opérationnelle plutôt que de satisfaire les intrigants habituels du système.

Il semble que le temps de l’orgueilleuse “global domination” soit derrière nous.

Encore un peu de temps, et nous verrons peut être se réaliser l’improbable choix que vous énonciez il y a quelques jours: des rafales pour l’USAF!

Le coup psychologique se fera sentir plus tard, mais quoi qu’il advienne de ce contrat, les solutions sont réduites: soit Boeing sera entendu et le scandale sera grand, soit ils seront déboutés et les prétentions impériales et les automatismes cognitifs qui vont avec seront malmenés.

Les Tchèques font la nique à l’UE

Article lié :



Les Tchèques font la nique à l’UE

La République tchèque a signé mercredi avec les Etats-Unis un accord qui exempte ses ressortissants de visas s’ils veulent se rendre outre-Atlantique.


Les Tchèques font la nique à l’UE

Article lié :



Les Tchèques font la nique à l’UE

La République tchèque a signé mercredi avec les Etats-Unis un accord qui exempte ses ressortissants de visas s’ils veulent se rendre outre-Atlantique.


Est-ce bien le moment ∫

Article lié :



Il n’est pas du tout certain que le contrat remporté par EADS soit une excellente affaire si on ne clarifie pas les points suivants.

Les paiements seront-ils faits en dollars ? Dans ce cas, le dolar vaudra-t-il encore quelque chose quand ce contrat arrivera à son terme ?

Si l’état Us se trouve dans l’incapacité de payer, ce qui peut arriver si on en croit certaines analyses, la France ne se sentira-t-elle pas obligée de poursuivre ses livraisons aux frais du contribuable français dans le cadre d’une entraide militaire entre pays alliés ?

Personnellement, je ne crois pas un seul instant que l’attribution de contrats à des intervenants étrangers aux US, surtout dans l’état où sont les finances US se fasse au détriment des gros avioneurs US… A moins qu’il y ait un très gros lézard.

Souvenons nous des bombes guidées par laser vendues (quelle victoire !) par les Us à la France qui se sont révélées fissurées.

Et si le systéme se préparait ∫∫∫∫

Article lié : “Tremblement de terre” au Pentagone et alentour



Et si ....
Sachant que la situation se dégrade pour le quidam
US qui bientot devra mendier pour manger, et qui donc pourrait se révolter et ne plus accepter que
des avions MILITAIRES sortent des usines US, les Complexe militaro industriel se menage une source
d’armes strategiques sure. Ainsi donc les budgets
votés par les gras/puissants/riches partant à l’étranger personne n’empechera ces avions d’arriver sur le sol US. Et les fortunes en “arrangements”
dans les poches des arrangeurs. Si cela passe alors d’autres types d’armes seront achetés selon le meme procédé. De quoi équiper une armée interne pour mater le peuple et mettre en place un gouvernement
militaire. En effet si plus d’usines d’armes aux US
alors beaucoup plus de chomeurs et de pauvres, donc
plus de révolte et HOP !!! Une dictature à la pinochet ???? Avec la bénédiction des européens, de
l’ONU et tutti quanti.

Violence possible

Article lié : Un thème qui ne commence à dominer la campagne électorale US: les violences possibles



En complément voir la déclaration du prix Nobel de littérature DORIS LESSING au journal suédois Dagens Nyheter au sujet du candidat OBAMA (s’il était élu):

“He would probably not last long, a black man in the position as president. They would kill him,”

Une recherche sur Google avec les mots Doris Lessing Obama amène plus de 400.000 réponses.

Cette question n’est probablement pas uniquement une affaire d’amateurs de romans policiers ou d’espionnage.

Ravitalleurs: Boing demande des explications aux militaires

Article lié :



Boeing’s loss of a $40bn contract to build a new in-flight refuelling aircraft for the US military has drawn angry protests in Congress.

Lawmakers from Washington state and Kansas, which have big Boeing plants, voiced “outrage” that it had gone to a consortium including Europe’s Airbus.

The planes will be assembled in Alabama but constructed largely in Europe.

Boeing has said it is awaiting an explanation from the military before deciding whether or not to appeal.

We are outraged that this decision taps European Airbus and its foreign workers to provide a tanker to our American military
Statement by congressional lawmakers from the Seattle area

The new aircraft, named the KC-45A by the US Air Force, is based on the Airbus A330 and will be manufactured in partnership with US defence firm Northrop Grumman.

Its job will be to refuel the vast array of US warplanes and the contract is worth in the region of $40bn over 15 years.

It is a huge blow for Boeing, the BBC’s Vincent Dowd reports from Washington.

America has around two-thirds of all such aircraft in use anywhere, and a senior figure in the company said recently if it lost this contract it could be out of the refuelling market totally for years.


Gen Arthur J Lichte, commander of the US Air Force’s Air Mobility Command, said the winning design had many advantages over Boeing’s tanker.

A US KC-135 tanker refuels a B-2 bomber over the Pacific near Hawaii, October 2007
The average age of current US refuelling planes is nearly 50 years

“More passengers, more cargo, more fuel to offload, more patients that we can carry, more availability, more flexibility and more dependability,” he said.

In Everett, Washington state, a few dozen Boeing workers protested outside a Machinists Union hall holding up signs saying “American workers equal best tankers” and “Our military deserves the best”.

Congressional lawmakers from the state’s Seattle area issued a joint statement condemning the “outsourcing” of the contract.

“We are outraged that this decision taps European Airbus and its foreign workers to provide a tanker to our American military,” they said.

Todd Tiahrt, a Republican congressman from Wichita, Kansas, called for “an American tanker built by an American company with American workers”.

“I hope the Air Force reverses its decision,” he added.

But the news was a boon for Alabama Republican congressman Jo Bonner.

“We are so very excited about having the opportunity to help the Air Force acquire the most modern and capable refuelling tanker - a tanker assembled in America by Americans,” he said.

The deal will also safeguard thousands of British aviation jobs, the BBC’s Andy Moore says. Wings will be made at factories in Bristol and in North Wales.

Breaking through

For Airbus’s parent company, the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS), it is a long-desired and potentially crucial breakthrough into the US market, our correspondent says.

Boeing KC-767
Boeing’s KC-767 design had been widely predicted to win

Replacing America’s ageing KC-135 refuelling planes - which date back to the 1950s - has proved controversial, he notes.

In 2002, the Air Force negotiated a $23bn deal with Boeing for 100 tankers to be based on the Boeing 767.

But that deal was declared invalid after allegations of fraud.

Two Boeing executives went to jail and eventually Boeing’s chief executive resigned.

Political pressure on the Air Force over the deal was led by Sen John McCain, the front-runner to win the Republican nomination for the presidential elections this year.

Our correspondent adds that two further contracts are expected later as the US Air Force replaces the rest of its ageing fleet of refuelling craft.

Manoeuvres francaises au quatar

Article lié :



Je recopie l’article de Debka, cet événement d’actualité me parait signifiant, et je ne l’ai pas vu repris ailleurs (donc pas confirmé, mas Debka est habituellement fiable.)

France, the UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia secretly launch their first joint war game

February 29, 2008, 10:51 AM (GMT+02:00)
French Rafale B in Gulf skies

DEBKAfile’s military sources report exclusively that the first Persian Gulf exercise without the US in many years began Feb. 24. It will last ten days. It is also the first time the United Arab Emirates and France have invoked their 19-year old military pact. France has contributed 1,500 navy marine and air force personnel to the exercise; the UAE, 1,500 and Qatar 3,000 troops. Our military sources report that a number of the advanced French Rafale B and naval units are deployed in the exercise.

While Iran is not explicitly targeted, the objectives of the maneuver are to practice repulsing marine landings by sea on the Gulf participants’ shores and missile attacks from the east, i.e. Iran. The joint force is also drilling tactics to defend their oil and gas fields and oil ports.

While the Saudi army is not directly participating in the maneuver, King Abdullah has permitted some of the air and naval movements to take place in the kingdom’s territorial waters and over its air space.

Some of the participating French units will stay on as the vanguard of the 400-strong contingent to permanently man the new French base under construction in Abu Dhabi opposite the Strait of Hormuz.

It will be France’s first military foothold in the Persian Gulf region. French president Nicolas Sarkozy and the UAE government agreed to establish this base with the approval of US president George W. Bush during their respective Gulf tours last month.

Dans la série "qui a besoin de rafales"

Article lié : Israël et le JSF: paroles diplomatiques et ambiguës



M. Grasset, après un tonitruant “des rafales pour les britanniques”, suivit de “rafales ou Sukhoï pour l’USAF”, pourquoi pas “des rafales pour les israéliens”?

Je pense qu’une partie de la réponse viendrait des israéliens eux mêmes: “nous n’avons, pour l’instant, que faire de tels appareils”.

Le coté caché de ce polyptyque-saga JSF est la privation de tous les pays signataires (réellement impliqués) de leur moyen d’appui feu. Coté caché, en fait à peine voilé (ou archi-connu, selon).

Que les israélien ne soient pas chauds, on le comprend. Que les européens face semblant de l’être, également (malheureusement).

Une analyse spéculative mais intéressante sur le B2 crashé

Article lié : Le B-2 et la psychologie de la modernité

Dominique Larchey-Wendling


MSM Ignores Obama Security Lapse

Article lié : La protection d’Obama n’est pas loin d’équivaloir à celle d’un président en fonction

Thomas Tracy


Vous avez peut-etre entendu de la lacune en securite’ a une reunion pour Obama a’ Dallas (l’endroit de l’assassinat de John F Kennedy en 1963) la semaine derniere, juste avant le primaire du Texas?  Il s’agit du Secret Service qui a arrete’ de fouiller l’assistance a cause du grand nombre des gens qui voulaient d’etre admis.  Le MSM (mainstream media) s’est tut sur ce sujet, mais voici le reportage du “Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram” du lendemain de l’evenment, suivi d’un commentaire du “Media Bloodhound,” site qui guette la presse politique americaine:

Posted on Thu, Feb. 21, 2008
Digg it AIM
Police concerned about order to stop weapons screening at Obama rally
By JACK DOUGLAS Jr.Star-Telegram Staff Writer

UPDATE: The Star-Telegram was granted an exclusive interview with Barack Obama on Saturday afternoon.» TAKE ME THERE

DALLAS—Security details at Barack Obama’s rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.

The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security.

Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department’s homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order—apparently made by the U.S. Secret Service—was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena’s vacant seats before Obama came on.

“Sure,” said Lawrence, when asked if he was concerned by the great number of people who had gotten into the building without being checked. But, he added, the turnout of more than 17,000 people seemed to be a “friendly crowd.”

The Secret Service did not return a call from the Star-Telegram seeking comment.

Doors opened to the public at 10 a.m., and for the first hour security officers scanned each person who came in and checked their belongings in a process that kept movement of the long lines at a crawl. Then, about 11 a.m., an order came down to allow the people in without being checked.

Several Dallas police officers said it worried them that the arena was packed with people who got in without even a cursory inspection.

They spoke on condition of anonymity because, they said, the order was made by federal officials who were in charge of security at the event.

“How can you not be concerned in this day and age,” said one policeman.

JACK DOUGLAS Jr., 817-390-7700

February 24, 2008
Special Report:
Secret Service Denies Obama Security Lapse
While MSM Plays Dumb and NBC Plays Dumber;
Plus, A Reminder of Who Controls the SS

On Thursday, I wrote about a frightening lapse in security at Wednesday’s Obama rally in Dallas. Reporter Jack Douglas Jr. of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram broke the story and has since written a follow-up, to which he updated yesterday. I noted on Thursday that the mainstream media (with the exception of UPI) had completely ignored this story, which has largely continued, with the Associated Press going so far as to publish an article Friday titled “Many Blacks Worry About Obama’s Safety” yet without referencing in the piece what had occurred at Wednesday’s Dallas rally. Friday’s broadcast of NBC Nightly News did mention an alleged breach of security, but the report - a shoddy piece of journalism driven solely by the Secret Service’s official denial - was summarily tacked on to the end of a separate report on the Obama campaign.

[ ... ]

First, an exploration of the insufficient Secret Service response to these charges, followed by the deplorable NBC Nightly News segment and then a brief reminder of who controls the Secret Service.

Secret Service Denies Security Lapse

Jack Douglas’ follow-up includes the Secret Service’s denial of any security breach:

“There were no security lapses at that venue,” said Eric Zahren, a spokesman for the Secret Service in Washington. He added there was “no deviation” from the “comprehensive and layered” security plan, implemented in “very close cooperation with our law enforcement partners.”

Zahren rebutted suggestions by several Dallas police officers at the rally who thought the Secret Service ordered a halt to the time-consuming weapons check because long lines were moving slowly, and many seats remained empty as time neared for Obama to appear.

“It was never a part of the plan at this particular venue to have each and every person in the crowd pass through the Magnetometer,” said Zahren, referring to the device used to detect metal in clothing and bags.

So basic checks, the kind performed at any major sporting or music event, were never “part of the plan”? If such checks can be carried out for, say, 20,000 people at a Springsteen concert or 50,000 at a Yankee game, why is it too much to expect the same for our nation’s leading Democratic presidential candidate?

Douglas goes to report that Zahren “declined to give the reason for checking people for weapons at the front of the lines and letting those farther back go in without inspection.”


“We would not want, by providing those details, to have people trying to derive ways in which they could defeat the security at any particular venue,” Zahren said.

Sure, he wouldn’t want to tip off those would-be criminal masterminds to what thousands of people across the country already know: that (at least up until now) arriving late and hanging in the back of the line is the surest way to enter without being checked for a weapon.

The article ends with unique spin from the Dallas police brass:

Lt. V.L. Hale III, a spokesman for the Dallas Police Department, said in a statement Friday that he would not comment on security measures at the Obama rally except to say there was no arrest or incident and that it was a “success from a police standpoint.”

So according to Dallas Police Department officials (as opposed to the officers who were shocked and alarmed by the lapse in security), no one actually getting shot or blown up is a “success.” Of course, that’s not success, but luck.

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