Tous au G20 !



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Tous au G20 !

Les dieux font bien les choses puisque 1) l’attaque contre la Syrie est reportée au moins jusqu’au vote du Congrès, à partir du 9 septembre ; 2) que le sommet du G20 a lieu cette semaine avec notamment la participation du POTUS soi-même ; et 3) qu’il se tient à Saint-Petersbourg, sous la présidence de Vladimir Poutine. Par conséquent, la réunion du G20 sera du plus haut intérêt, d’autant que le président en fonction n’entend nullement écarter le sujet, bien au contraire.

Poutine s’explique à ce propos, sur un ton presque conciliant, dans tous les cas plein de cette rationalité qu’affectionnent les Russes pour parler des relations internationales : «Of course the G20 is not a formal legal authority. It's not a substitute for the U.N. Security Council, it can't take decisions on the use of force. But it's a good platform to discuss the problem. Why not take advantage of this? ... Is it in the United States' interests once again to destroy the international security system, the fundamentals of international law? Will it strengthen the United States' international standing? Hardly»

Reuters fait, le 1er septembre 2013 un portrait de Poutine-avant-le-G20, sans complaisance, avec les habituels lieux communs type-BAO (“the former KGB spy”, etc.), mais qui ne dissimule pas que le président russe est dans une forme olympique pour rencontrer son “partenaire” Obama et lui parler Syrie ... Même si l’on n’a pas prévu pour l’instant de rencontre bilatérale BHO-Poutine après la bouderie-Snowden de Washington, les deux hommes devront bien se croiser, et l’on causera. Le G20 pourrait bien être la revanche du G8 du mois de juin...

«The U.S. president's dilemma over a military response to an alleged poison gas attack in Syria means Obama is the one who is under more pressure going into a G20 summit in St Petersburg on Thursday and Friday. Yet at a G8 summit in Northern Ireland in June, Putin was isolated over his backing for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and scowled his way through talks with Obama, who later likened him to a “bored kid in the back of the classroom”. Putin has ignored the jibe and stood his ground over Assad, dismissing Obama's allegations that Syrian government forces carried out a chemical weapons attack on August 21. [...]

»Putin also seems intent on taking a swipe at Obama, who pulled out of a Russia-U.S. summit that was planned for this week after Moscow defied Washington by granting former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden a year's asylum. [...] But the tension over possible military strikes on Syria has ensured Obama has been the focus of world attention, rather than Putin, in the run-up to the G20 – which will consider issues such as economic growth, unemployment and financial regulation.

»There has been no repeat of the sentiment expressed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on the eve of the G8 summit. Upset by Russia's position on Syria, he said the G8 group of industrialized countries was in reality the “G7 plus one”. [...] »

»Buoyed by growing pressure on the U.S., French and British leaders over Syria, the former KGB spy has also now hit back in comments referring ironically to Obama as a Nobel Peace laureate and portraying U.S. global policy as a failure. “We need to remember what's happened in the last decade, the number of times the United States has initiated armed conflicts in various parts of the world. Has it solved a single problem?” Putin asked reporters on Saturday in the city of Vladivostok. “Afghanistan, as I said, Iraq ... After all, there is no peace there, no democracy, which our partners allegedly sought,” he said during a tour of Russia's far east.»

Le côté américaniste, reflétant en cela le sentiment du bloc BAO, commence d’ailleurs à reconnaître la fermeté et la puissance principielles des Russes, autrement que par les clichés à deux balles ressortis du grenier de la Guerre froide. Ainsi ce “senior US official” cité par Reuters, qui ne fait aucun cadeau aux Russes, pour finalement reconnaître qu’il n’est pas facile de les manœuvrer ni de les mettre en position d’infériorité, – presqu’un sentiment de surprise incrédule, venant d’un figurant-Système, que puissent encore exister la fermeté des principes et une forme de dignité qu’implique le sentiment de la souveraineté ... Ce sentiment-là, qui est d’une force indomptable, imprégnera le sommet du G20, quoiqu’en veuillent les uns et les autres, y compris notre président-poire.

«“From Russian officials and certainly the Russian media, there continue to be allegations that the United States has an agenda focused on regime change (in Syria), that the United States is driving tumult in the Middle East for its own ends,” a senior U.S. administration official in Washington said. “There is also a cynical element where anti-Americanism has been successful to rally public opinion.” [...]

»Any prospect of “shaming” Putin into a change of tack over Syria is also increasingly seen abroad as unlikely to work. “I don't get the sense that Russia is overly concerned about its international image in this regard,” said the senior U.S. administration official. “It takes pride in being independent ... Russia is not timid or bashful when it comes to Syria support.”»

Le G20 sera d’une façon générale une bonne occasion de traiter, d’apprécier, de commenter la question de la crise syrienne d’une façon plus générale que celle qui nous lie aux circonstances pressantes avec leur écume de narrative, d’affectivité et de simulacre permanent, –que ce soit l’“attaque chimique”, la menace d’attaque US, le prochain vote du Congrès. Le sommet, par son caractère international et ses prétentions d’aborder des problèmes globaux et globalisés, invite effectivement à considérer la question syrienne de ce point de vue très général. Il conduit à apprécier le comportement US, la grande “politique” (?) US, la conduite de cette hyper-puissance qui suscite tant d’effets déstructurants et dissolvants sans avoir la moindre cohérence, la moindre construction stratégique dans son propos, la moindre ambition d’établir un “ordre” constructif.

D’une façon justement caractéristique, on trouve des jugements généraux très sévères, et il faut accorder une place importante à un article de Jonathan Steele dans The Observer (The Guardian) du 1er septembre 2013, d’une rare violence contre l’“Empire”, y compris dans les mots et le ton (parler de la “breathtaking arrogance” à propos du discours d’Obama du 31 août n’est pas fréquent dans ce contexte). Ce n’est pas le premier texte du genre dans le Guardian, mais cette mise en cause de la politique US vis-à-vis de la Syrie, qui n’est après tout que la référence de la politique du bloc BAO selon la dénonciation de l’abomination-Assad à laquelle a souscrite plus qu’aucun autre média libéral-interventionniste le Guardian, indique justement que le susdit Guardian est peut-être en cours d’évolution. (La pression de son collaborateur Greenwald n’y est pas pour rien non plus, car entre deux documents Snowden/NSA, Greenwald ne se prive pas de dénoncer la politique syrienne des USA/du bloc, et le comportement d’Obama également dans cette circonstance.) Signe des temps pour un collaborateur du Guardian : le dernier paragraphe cité pourrait avoir été écrit pour Poutine ou pour Lavrov...

«...Some may see it as a huge video game, reality TV on a mass scale. Having ruled out boots on the ground and thereby guaranteed there will be no bodybags of US troops or pilots, Obama is asking a jury of safe spectators to press the yes or no buttons on missile strikes. More than that, he proudly declares he is challenging world leaders to get off the fence and approve his plans. He will make the case to the G20 countries at this week's summit in St Petersburg.

»He is even calling on Arab leaders to stand up and be counted. They are in an especially difficult position because the Arab street remembers decades of western military intervention in their region and is deeply hostile to any more. Though the Arab League suspended Syria in November 2011, and many Arab monarchs are arming and financing Bashar al-Assad's opponents in the civil war, none has yet dared to come out publicly for an American attack. Obama says he has had private words of support, but he wants them to declare their allegiance in public.

»It is a case of breathtaking arrogance, a call for recognition that the US is not only the world's policeman but the world's enforcer. Obama said he was asking “every member of the global community” to consider what message impotence and inaction in the face of the use of chemical weapons would send to dictators everywhere. With a half-sentence that brushed the United Nations weapons inspectors aside and dismissed the security council for being “completely paralysed”, Obama was saying in effect: "We are the empire. Accept us.” [...]

»Obama’s draft resolution has a short paragraph on the need for a political settlement in Syria and even calls on the Geneva talks process to be resumed urgently. Is it cynical or just naive? Syrian rebels' intransigence and their unwillingness to attend without preconditions are the main reason for the failure of Geneva so far. US military strikes will only embolden them to delay further. The hope of a ceasefire – by far the most reliable and principled mechanism to protect Syrian lives – will recede again.»

Enfin, pour clore ce rapide survol pré-G20, on citera l’inimitable Pépé Escobar qui, lui, a son idée sur le G20. Escobar nous invite à participer au tête-à-tête Poutine-Obama qui, il n’en doute pas, finira par se faire, accidentellement disons, lorsque les deux hommes se croiseront entre deux séances. Il s’agit d’une interview donnée à Russia Today, le 1er septembre 2013.

Russia Today: «Nevertheless, a military strike is imminent by the sound of things. The reaction from Russia and Iran… what sort of international impact could this have?»

Pépé Escobar: «I would love to be in the same room when Barack Obama meets President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg next week. We’re not going to have a face-to-face between Presidents Putin and Obama, but we’re going to have leaders from Brazil, India, China – not to mention other developing countries, which are extremely reticent vis-à-vis this new American bombing of a Middle Eastern country, that’s what it is. So the G20 is completely derailed by now. The only thing they’re going to be discussing is Syria. And Obama is going to be there, completely isolated against the other 19 leaders… or 18 – because Cameron is going to be there, right?»

... Horreur ! Pépé a oublié de citer notre président-poire. Vraiment, la France éternelle, la Grande Nation, a acquis une superbe stature internationale dans cette aventure. Bravo l’artiste.

Mis en ligne le2 septembre 2013 à 11H43