Les républicains célèbrent leur victoire avec leur Civil War

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Les républicains célèbrent leur victoire avec leur Civil War

David Usborne, de The Independent, nous donne une image générale, ce 5 novembre 2010, de l’ambiance de guerre civile qui s’installe dans le parti républicain vainqueur des élections de mardi. Une étrange façon de célébrer la victoire du parti républicain…

Tea Party, ou ceux qui s’en réclament, est immédiatement passé à l’offensive, comme nous l’avons signalé hier (voir Bloc-notes du 4 novembre 2010), avec Sarah Palin en électron libre qui se charge de mettre de l’huile sur le feu de l’extérieur. Le Washington Times, cité par Usborne, exalte les “Five Fab”, les cinq sénateurs nouvellement élus proches de Tea Party, qui entendent “secouer” le Sénat («The world's most exclusive country club, the US Senate, is in for a shock come January. Five Republicans handed their membership cards Tuesday have promised to shake up the chamber»).

Ambiance décrite par l’article, essentiellement dans la nouvelle Chambre des Représentants qui sera présidée par John Boehner…

«Just as resurgent Republicans served notice yesterday that they mean to take down President Barack Obama in two years and stymie his healthcare reforms along the way, signs were emerging of a civil war pitting old-guard moderates against the new class of purist-conservatives sent to Washington on a Tea Party wave. […]

»“Mr Boehner will [find it hard] handling the factions in the majority coalition,” said Carl Pinkele, who teaches political science at Ohio Wesleyan University. “There are going to be rigid Tea Party types. Boehner will be obligated to the Tea Party, and to establishment Republicans who chair committees.”

»How, for example, will he handle the newly emboldened Michele Bachmann from Minnesota, who won re-election with her commitment to the Tea Party precepts of smaller government, lower taxes and adherence to the Constitution? Anathema to many in the old guard, she is expected to seek election as leader of the House Conference Committee, which would make her the fourth most senior House Republican.

»The conservatives arriving on Capitol Hill “need a loud and clear voice,” said her spokesman Sergio Gor. “And that's why Michele Bachmann is running.” Party leaders have already endorsed moderate Texan Jeb Hensarling for the job, however. If Ms Bachmann pushes hard, a nasty internecine squabble will begin.

»And although she is not there, Ms Palin's shadow looms larger than ever over Capitol Hill. Yesterday she released a celebratory video. “This is our movement. This is our moment. This is our morning in America,” she says. “We're gonna stand up and we're gonna speak out. And it may take some renegades going rogue to get us there.”»
