“La Binoche” et 9/11 : un film et une conviction



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Dans le film A Few Days in September, qui sort au Royaume-Uni à la mi-septembre, l’actrice française Juliette Binoche tient un des rôles principaux. “La Binoche”, — comme les Britanniques semblent persuadés qu’on la surnomme en France, — a donné une longue interview au supplément magazine du Daily Telegraph de ce jour.

Le film, ces “quelques jours en septembre”, est centré sur l’attaque du 11 septembre 2007. Ce n’est pas le premier mais il paraît bien être le premier film de fiction à prendre à son compte la thèse du complot, — même si cela paraît être un complot “en désordre”, et apprécié avec un réel scepticisme par l'intervieweur, — Daily Telegraph oblige.

Voici le passage principal concernant cet aspect du film:

«A Few Days in September is witty and clever, but there is a serious point behind it — with which Binoche is more than a little obsessed. She describes it as a dramatised version of the events depicted in Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. It alleges that various vested interests — including state security services around the world — knew what was about to happen on September 11, 2001.

»While preparing for the role Binoche had long conversations with a secret agent, who consulted on the film and on whom she modelled her character. “Of course he could not reveal everything to me, but he said a lot,” she says. “Some things I forgot because it was just too much. Certain things I was very amazed by and when I told people close to me about them they just wouldn't believe it. Everything in there is true,” she adds, her eyes blazing with the fervour of a conspiracy theorist.

»So is she saying the film is a dramatisation of real events? “Absolutely,” she says. “I went to see the Iranian ambassador at the time and he said of course it's true. Things that I thought were hidden and private… they were very open about it.” So she means the CIA and other agencies knew 9/11 was going to happen? “Of course.“ So is she saying it was an inside job? Or that al-Qa'eda was responsible? “Everybody is responsible for it. If you only knew more, it's even more depressing.” She suddenly realises this is all getting a bit implausible and explodes into laughter. “Humour is the only way we can deal with it.”»

Mis en ligne le 1er septembre 2007 à 12H08