QDR-2005, — ou comment reculer pour mieux se planter



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A côté des roucoulades et des rodomontades qui ont accompagné la sortie de la QDR 2005, manipulée pour renforcer la nouvelle thèse publicitaire de “the Long War”, la réalité est bien confirmée à son propos, par Jane’s Defence Weekly” : « As one Department of Defense insider put it, in the end [SDR] “became a non-event” despite looking at a large number of controversial measures, such as killing several major weapon systems, that would have signalled a new direction. »

Plus intéressante, cette précision, recueillie auprès de sources au Congrès : « Congressional sources, however, said they believe that FY06 will be the last period in which operations for the continuing conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and other operations will be funded through supplemental budgets.

» If the costs of those operations run over the allotted funds for them understood to be in the FY07 budget request, the sources said, programmes would have to be cancelled — probably from procurement accounts — to pay the bills. “This really does not bode well for the look of the defence budget ... the year after this will be really tough,” the sources said. »

Mis en ligne le 8 février 2006 à 12H28