
Article : “More confortable” avec le JSF

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La Hollande, Fortuyn et le JSF.

Foreign Press Foundation


Through Dutch government and media declarations one is forced to choose in the Netherlands debate concerning the murder of Prof. Fortuyn - with a ‘confessing killer’ whom nobody impartial and independent has been allowed to see or talk to,  and a possible link to the killing of Fortuyn and the 400 Billion Lockheed deal. Based on very much research and 40 years experience as a journalist/correspondent -  living and working in other countries - it’s my view that there is a link betwoon the two.
All, and as usual : “In the interest of the Nation”.

Some of my observations are to be found here :


With a lengthy story - in Dutch - explaining part of the whole at :

Hoping to at least have informed you a little bit, I meanwhile remain,

Sincerely Yours,

Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - The Netherlands.