
Article : La perspective catastrophique de la défaite très rapide en Afghanistan

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La logique spaghetti.



Pas de panique, le Pentagone a concocté une nouvelle tactique pour vaincre en Afghanistan, le COIN (et non le COUAC) : the counterinsurgency strategy. Le principe est effectivement révolutionnaire :

“It represents a new approach to war fighting, looking beyond simply killing enemy fighters”.

La mise en pratique de ce principe vue par les experts du Pentagone semble cependant complexe :

“Detractors say the slide represents an assault on logic, an attempt to jam a square peg into a round hole. They say the concept of occupying a foreign nation to protect security at home is expensive, time consuming, ineffective and ultimately leads to the “spaghetti logic” of the slide. They say this slide is what happens when smart people are asked to come up with a solution to the wrong question.”