
Article : Ivresse turque

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kill a turk and apologize?

Andres Andrade-Berzaba


J´ai trouvé an article d´Uri Avneri dont le titre nous dit tout
After Bibi’s Apology, Reflect on the Idiocy of Attacking the Gaza Flotilla

On trouve a la fin de l´article une illustrative petite histoire

It’s about the Jewish mother in 19th century Russia, whose son was called up to serve in the Czar’s army in the war against Ottoman Turkey. “Don’t overdo things’” she entreats him, “Kill a Turk and rest. Kill another Turk and rest again, kill…”

“But what if the Turk kills me?” the boy interjects.

“Kill you?” responds the mother in horrified surprise, “But Why? What have you done to him?!”

Kill a Turk and apologize