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Blair victory is legacy.

Francis Lambert


It’s in the top 10 on Amazon’s British best-seller list
– though it’s only 4,000 on the retailer’s U.S. site.

Unlike Mr Blair, Churchill had been a soldier !
One was faced with an enemy that had the biggest army in history, had overrun half of Europe and was bombing British cities on a daily basis.
The other was faced with an enemy that couldn’t use its air force in its own airspace, was crippled by sanctions and possessed weapons that it now turns out were more imagined than real. (...)

The historian David Starkey told The Independent: (...)
“It seems that this government has more in common with the Ottoman empire in decay - while the Ottoman empire was ruled from a divan, this government is ruled from a sofa.”

Blair ... un héritage d’aggravations “durables” :

Greater London has experienced some of the worst air pollution worldwide as a result of car, factory, agriculture and house pollution. The life expectancy of Britons has been reduced by nine years due to air pollution.

Britain is considered to be Europe’s greatest releaser of nitrogen oxides, exposing 1.5 million people to unsafe quantities of the pollution. According to a report from Parliament, 50,000 people die prematurely each year due to man-made air pollution.

- le gaspillage accéléré du cadeau pétrolier (imaginez autant royalties en France ! )
- Brown, d’abord décrit comme la perle des ministres des finances, a commencé par la plus désastreuse vente de l’or du trésor britannique !
- suit un désastre financier public à l’aubaine de la City, 
  mitonné exactement durant les années Blair-Bush.
- désastre renouvelé par le levier des intérêts sur les gigantesques dettes “souveraines” opportunément décuplées par leurs guerres (Rumsfeld promettait l’Irak à moins de 50 milliards ... la fourchette va de 750 selon le Congrès à 3000 milliards selon Stiglitz !)
- désastre financier aussi soigneusement distribué dans le monde que la vache folle (via les CDS et autres innovations financières toxiques sur lesquelles se sont rués voracement nos “experts financiers” ... jusqu’aux organismes HLM !)