Tous chez ISIS !

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Tous chez ISIS !

Le Guardian du 23 novembre 2014 publie un long reportage de Mona Mahmood sur un phénomène qui prend des allures décrites comme extrêmement spectaculaires : le passage en masse de rebelles syriens de diverses tendances, dont les rebelles dits “modérés” favorisés par le bloc BAO en 2012-2013, chez ISIS (ou État Islamique, ou Daesh). La cause se trouve essentiellement dans les attaques US contre ISIS, qui suscitent un mouvement de solidarité et sont ressenties comme des attaques contre l’Islam. (Selon un rebelle de la brigade al-Ribat de l’Armée Syrienne Libre : «The moment Isis fighters touch the soil of the Homs countryside, we will be the first to fight with them at the front. This [US-led] military coalition is not against Isis, it is against entire Islam.») Une autre critique contre les USA, chez les rebelles modérés, est l’absence d’intervention ouverte en Syrie en leur faveur pendant deux ans, contrastant avec cette “intervention ouverte en Syrie” contre ISIS, – ceci et cela accentuant la confusion et faisant naître divers soupçons dans tous les sens.

Il est en général entendu que, directement ou pas, les conceptions US, l’argent US, l’activisme US, etc., ont largement contribué à la création d’ISIS, que cette création US a largement contribué au mouvement de transmutation du désordre général en hyper-désordre ; il est logique que les habitudes US sous la forme d’attaques aériennes continuent à faire avancer les choses en permettant à peine indirectement un renforcement massif d’ISIS. On pourra en déduire que les plans généraux US d’hégémonie mondiale par des moyens divers et des chemins détournés se poursuivent selon le plan prévu. Il faudra simplement qu’ils (les maîtres du monde) n’oublient pas de s’apercevoir qu’ils sont les maîtres du monde quand tout aura été mené à bien. En attendant, on peut lire l’article du Guardian, extrêmement bien documenté à l’aide de nombreux interviews ; on aura au moins une bonne mesure de l’hyper-désordre qui règne en maître.

«US air strikes in Syria are encouraging anti-regime fighters to forge alliances with or even defect to Islamic State (Isis), according to a series of interviews conducted by the Guardian. Fighters from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Islamic military groups are joining forces with Isis, which has gained control of swaths of Syria and Iraq and has beheaded six western hostages in the past few months. Some brigades have transferred their allegiance, while others are forming tactical alliances or truces. Support among civilians also appears to be growing in some areas as a result of resentment over US-led military action.

»“Isis now is like a magnet that attracts large numbers of Muslims,” said Abu Talha, who defected from the FSA a few months ago and is now in negotiations with other fighters from groups such as the al-Nusra Front to follow suit. Assam Murad, a fighter from a 600-strong dissident FSA brigade near Homs said: “There’s no way we would fight Isis after the US military campaign against them.”

»A third man, Abu Zeid, the commander of an FSA brigade near Idlib and a defector from President Bashar al-Assad’s army, said: “All the locals here wonder why the US coalition never came to rescue them from Assad’s machine guns, but run to fight Isis when it took a few pieces of land. We were in a robust fight against Isis for confiscating our liberated areas, but now, if we are not in an alliance, we are in a truce with them.”

»These and other Syrian fighters told the Guardian in interviews by phone and Skype that the US campaign is turning the attitudes of Syrian opposition groups and fighters in favour of Isis. Omar Waleed, an FSA fighter in Hama, north of Damascus, said: “I’m really scared that eventually most of the people will join Isis out of their disappointment with the US administration. Just have a look on social media websites, and you can see lots of people and leaders are turning to the side of Isis. “We did not get any weapons from the US to fight the regime for the last three years. Only now US weapons arrived for fighting Isis.”

»Abu Talha said he had joined the FSA after being released from prison in an amnesty Assad granted shortly after the Syrian uprising began in March 2011, and became commander of the Ansar al-Haq brigade in Ghouta, an eastern suburb of Damascus. He became disillusioned with the FSA, however, believing it was a tool of foreign intelligence services and poor in combat. After four senior fighters in his brigade were fatally wounded a few months ago, he defected to Isis. “Since that day, I vowed not to fight under a flag bearing the mark of the FSA even for a second. I looked around for truthful jihadis, to fight by their side. I could not find any better than the jihadis of Isis. I told my fighters: ‘I’m going to join Isis, you are free to follow me or choose your own way’,” he said.

»More than 200 of his fellow fighters also declared their allegiance to Isis, a move met with opprobrium by other FSA brigades and civilians. Then the US and its allies began a campaign of air strikes. “All those who were cursing and attacking us for joining Isis came to pledge their loyalty to Isis. A couple were FSA commanders, others were members of Islamic brigades. Even ordinary people now demand to be governed by Isis,” Abu Talha said.

»Only a small number openly declared their new allegiance, he added. “Large brigades in Idlib, Aleppo, Derra, Qalamoun and south Damascus have pledged loyalty to Isis in secret. Many senior leaders of brigades in Syria are in talks with us now to get together and fight as a united force against the US aggression,” he said. His claims cannot be independently verified.

»Murad, a fighter with the FSA’s 600-strong al-Ribat brigade near Homs, said an offer three months ago by the US-backed Hazem movement to supply his unit with advanced weaponry if it joined the fight against Isis was turned down. “We rejected this attractive offer, even though we are in great need not only of weapons but food. There is no way that we would fight Isis after the US military campaign against them,” he said.»

Mis en ligne le 24 novembre 2014 à 16H45