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2627Il y a fort à parier que Robert Parry, qui n’avait plus écrit personnellement sur son site depuis le 27 juillet, s’est activé auprès de ses sources dans l’Intelligence Community (IC) pour nous donner ce texte du 3 août 2014 sur l’évolution de la position de l’IC dans l’affaire de la destruction du vol MH17 au-dessus de la région du Donbass. (Parry veut probablement signifier, lorsqu’il cite some sources, qu’il s’agit de l’opinion de la partie la plus sérieuse et la moins politisée de l’IC à Washington ; on connaît ses accointances qui fondent une réputation de première qualité dans le journalisme d’investigation des matières de sécurité nationale, et aussi la position de direction qu’il a prise dans l’investigation antiSystème de l’affaire MH17.) Parry rapporte que cette position se fixe sur la thèse de la responsabilité de Kiev, avec la possibilité d’inclure divers éléments déjà signalés par les Russes ou par des analystes indépendants, comme la présence d’avions de combat ukrainiens près du vol MH17. L’hypothèse de la responsabilité de Kiev porterait plutôt vers des éléments extrémistes type-Pravy Sektor, qui aurait pris l’avion de la Malaysia Airlines pour un avion civil russe, voir l’avion officiel russe ramenant Poutine d’Amérique Latine.
La position de l’IC, et de cette partie de l’IC que cite Parry, est en complète contradiction avec celle du pouvoir civil, notamment Kerry et Obama, et, bien entendu, détruit complètement l’argumentation circonstancielle du déchaînement antirusse que l’on connaît actuellement. Parry estime néanmoins, sans véritablement nous surprendre, que si ces évaluations sont confirmées elles ne seront pas exposées publiquement ni prises en compte parce qu’elles constituent un démenti trop violent des positions politiques. Tout juste en resterait-on à la position actuelle, où rien n’est établi officiellement et où tout se passe comme si les Russes étaient coupables. (Cela confirmerait le rôle de l’incident du vol MH17 comme nous le percevons, «comme si cet événement constituait un symbole plus qu’un véritable événement...» : «Comme l’on sait, on n’a pas déterminé les circonstances de cet incident, et la probabilité que la Russie en soit l’instigatrice, comme le proclament unanimement la presse-Système et les dirigeants-Système du bloc BAO, est extrêmement minime, sinon inexistante. On écarte donc le poids disons opérationnel de cet événement totalement faussaire, à l’image de notre époque, et on le considérerait plutôt comme le symbole de l'achèvement accéléré de la réorientation radicale des relations internationales.»)
«Contrary to the Obama administration’s public claims blaming eastern Ukrainian rebels and Russia for the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, some U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame, according to a source briefed on these findings. This judgment – at odds with what President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have expressed publicly – is based largely on the absence of U.S. government evidence that Russia supplied the rebels with a Buk anti-aircraft missile system that would be needed to hit a civilian jetliner flying at 33,000 feet, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
»Despite U.S. spy satellites positioned over eastern Ukraine, U.S. intelligence agencies have released no images of a Buk system being transferred by Russians to rebel control, shipped into Ukraine, deployed into firing position and then being taken back to Russia. Though the Obama administration has released other images of Ukraine taken by U.S. spy satellites, the absence of any photos of a rebel-controlled Buk missile battery has been the dog not barking in the strident case that Official Washington has made in blaming the rebels and Russia for the July 17 shoot-down that killed 298 people.
»Given the size of these missile batteries – containing four 16-foot-long missiles – the absence of this evidence prompted caution among U.S. intelligence analysts even as senior U.S. officials and the U.S. mainstream media rushed to judgment blaming the rebels and Russians. In making that case, Kerry and other senior officials relied on claims made by the Ukrainian government along with items posted on “social media.” These snippets of “evidence” included ambiguous remarks attributed to rebels who may have initially thought the shoot-down was another of their successful attacks on lower-flying Ukrainian military aircraft but who later insisted that they had not fired on the Malaysian plane and lacked the longer-range Buk missiles needed to reach above 30,000 feet.
»If the U.S. intelligence analysts are correct – that the rebels and Russia are likely not responsible – the chief remaining suspect would be the Ukrainian government, which does possess Buk anti-aircraft missiles and reportedly had two fighter jets in the vicinity of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 at the time of the shoot-down.
»Some independent analyses of the initial evidence from the crash site suggest the jetliner may have been destroyed by an air-to-air attack, not by an anti-aircraft missile fired from the ground. Yet, the working hypothesis of the U.S. intelligence analysts is that a Ukrainian military Buk battery and the jetfighters may have been operating in collusion as they hunted what they thought was a Russian airliner, possibly even the plane carrying President Vladimir Putin on a return trip from South America, the source said.
»The source added that the U.S. intelligence analysis does not implicate top Ukrainian officials, such as President Petro Poroshenko or Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, suggesting that the attack may have been the work of more extremist factions, possibly even one of the Ukrainian oligarchs who have taken an aggressive approach toward prosecuting the war against the ethnic Russian rebels in the east.
»Obviously, a successful shoot-down of a Russian plane, especially one carrying Putin, could have been a major coup for the Kiev regime, which ousted Russian ally, President Viktor Yanukovych, last February touching off the civil war. Some prominent Ukrainian politicians, such as ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, have expressed the desire to kill Putin. “It’s about time we grab our guns and kill, go kill those damn Russians together with their leader,” Tymoshenko said in an intercepted phone call in March, according to a leak published in the Russian press and implicitly confirmed by Tymoshenko.»
Mis en ligne le 4 août 2014 à 13H04
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