McCain, sous le soleil exactement



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Il faisait chaud, l’autre jour à Bagdad, alors que le sénateur McCain se baladait au marché pour faire ses emplettes, avec son gilet pare-balles de tous les jours comme vous et moi, jubilant au milieu de la centaine de soldats déguisés en badauds déguisés en gardes de son corps précieux, exprimant sa joie de la paix quasiment retrouvée. Revenu à la grisaille washingtonienne, McCain s’est jugé fondé d’apporter quelques rectifications, qui se sont aussitôt révélées aussi confuses que l’aventure elle-même. Cela se passait hier, au cours de l’émission 60 Minutes de CBS. (Selon Reuters, relayé par RAW Story.)

D’abord, une déclaration de principe, qui nous permet de mesurer l’importance du facteur errare humanum est dans la vie publique du sénateur de l’Arizona : «Of course I am going to misspeak and I've done it on numerous occasions and I probably will do it in the future.»

Misspeak pour misspeak, cela n’a donc pas manqué pour la balade au marché. Ci-dessous, divers extraits de la dépêche montrant que McCain n’a pas très bien compris ce qu’il avait dit, qu’il a rectifié en ne comprenant pas tellement mieux, que le rédacteur de la dépêche non plus et que nous pas moins… Bref, que ceux qui se plaignent que met en ligne trop d’anglais jusqu’à être soupçonnable d’être agent stipendié de l’“anglosphère” se rassurent ; ceux qui lisent l’anglais n’en comprendront pas plus après avoir lu du McCain dans le texte.

«McCain said he regrets comments he made after a tour of Baghdad last Sunday, when he said he could see progress and the American people were not being told the “good news” about the war, according to excerpts of his comments and a press release provided by ‘60 Minutes.’


»The excerpted quotes provided by ''60 Minutes'' did not indicate which comments McCain thought were misspoken.


«A strong supporter of President George W. Bush's plan to send nearly 30,000 more troops into Iraq, McCain said last week after his tour: “I believe we have a new strategy that is making progress. That is not to say things are well everywhere in Iraq. Far from it, we have a long way to go.”

»McCain had been upbeat about his drive from the Baghdad airport into the city and his visit to a market where multiple car bombings killed 71 people in February as signs of improved security.

»“Never have I been able to drive from the airport, never have I been able to go out into the city like I did today. The American people are not getting the picture of all that is happening here. Things are better ... but I am not saying mission accomplished,” he said at the time.

»After he spoke, Iraqi citizens, merchants and others said security had been stepped up for the choreographed visit.


» McCain acknowledged in this ‘60 Minutes’ interview that he had been accompanied by heavy security during his trip. “I can understand why (the Army) would provide me with that security, but I can tell you that if it had been two months ago and I'd asked to do it, they would have said, ‘Under no circumstances whatsoever,’” he said.

»“I view that as a sign of progress.”

»McCain also acknowledged many Americans do not agree with his position on the war.

»“I believe we can succeed and I believe that the consequences of failure are catastrophic,” he said.»

Mis en ligne le 7 avril 2007 à 16H46