Finalement… Condi savait de quoi elle parlait, mais “figurativement”



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Voici le fin mot de l’histoire sur les “milliers d’erreurs” identifiées par Condi, qui ont tant étonné Rumsfeld, lors d’une conférence de presse du même Rumsfeld, le 5 avril en fin d’après-midi.

De Reuters, dans le New York Times du 7 avril : « Rumsfeld also said he spoke to Rice about her comment last week that the United States had made thousands of ‘tactical errors’ in the Iraq war. “I talked to Condi about that, and she pointed out the transcript, where she said she was speaking figuratively, not literally,” Rumsfeld said. (In a radio interview on Tuesday, Rumsfeld said labeling as “errors” changes in military tactics showed a lack of understanding of warfare.) »

De AP, dans le même New York Times : « Rumsfeld was asked about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's comments during a recent trip to Britain that the United States had made ''thousands'' of ''tactical errors'' in Iraq. [...] “I talked to Condi about that,” Rumsfeld said Thursday. He said she assured him she was speaking ‘figuratively, not literally,’ and the text of her remarks reflected that. »

Quant à GW, personne ne s’en est préoccupé.

Mis en ligne le 7 avril 2006 à 16H22