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1887The-Donald ne nous déçoit pas, dans le genre original et inattendu. Il a donc trouvé une manière nouvelle de gouverner, et gouverner-US cela signifie s’ingérer, et ici s’ingérer dans les affaires intérieures de “partenaires” qu’il voudrait forcer à suivre ses penchants de type antiSystème ; manière “nouvelle” qu’on nomme le tweet... L’ingérence, les USA connaissent, de la CIA à la corruption, à la liquidation, au false flag, etc., mais le tweet tonitruant c’est nouveau. Qui plus est, Trump ne prend pas de gants et attaque directement l’establishment (britannique dans ce cas) pourtant mis en place depuis longtemps pour servir avec attention et zèle le système de l’américanisme.
Dans un tweet plein d’un joyeux enthousiasme, Trump-Tweet annonçait hier soir que ce serait formidable si Sa Majesté UK nommait Farage, l’homme du Brexit et de UKIP, ambassadeur de Sa Majesté à Washington D.C. (“Many people would like to see @Nigel_Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!”). Farage est détesté par les conservateurs et même dans son parti, notamment pour les “relations spéciales” qu’il a établies avec Trump ; il est aussi détesté à Bruxelles, au Parlement Européen et par les pieds-nickelés Juncker-Tusk... Tout cela a l’air d’une extravagance d’un milliardaire un peu déjanté, sauf que le milliardaire est président et que si Farage n’est pas choisi comme Tweet-Trump l’exige en rigolant (mais rigole-t-il vraiment, Madam Prime Minister ?), – imagine-t-on l’influence qu’aura l’ambassadeur UK en poste ?
Drôle d’ingérence, ou l’ère du tweet-antiSystème... Demain, il pourrait tweeter que ce serait formidable que la France nommât Marine Le Pen ambassadrice à Washington en attendant qu’elle soit élue en mai prochain, présidente de la république, selon les vœux du président Tweet-Trump. Dans les vieilles démocraties et pseudo-démocraties, on accuse les présidents d’être autoritaires lorsqu’ils gouvernent à coups d’ordonnance ; Tweet-Trump, Hitler postmoderne, va-t-il gouverner à coups de tweets ? Breitbart.News, le site de Bannon, en fait des gorges chaudes ce 22 novembre...
« President-elect Donald J. Trump has ostensibly thrown his support behind the idea of UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage becoming the British Ambassador to the United States in a tweet issued late on Monday night. The next president of the United States issued the statement, unprompted, via his Twitter feed, stating that the idea was popular amongst “many people” in a move that is sure to set the British political establishment into a further tailspin.
» Writing at 9:22pm on Monday night, the President-elect said: “Many people would like to see @Nigel_Farage represent Great Britain as their Ambassador to the United States. He would do a great job!”
» The tweet comes as the British political establishment struggles to deal with the fact that Mr. Farage was the first foreign politician to visit the President-elect after his victory over Secretary Hillary Clinton on November 8th. The Prime Minister, Theresa May, and her Downing Street operation went into overdrive in order to play down Mr. Farage’s role in the U.S.-UK relationship, going so far as to label Mr. Farage an “irrelevance”. The latest endorsement from President-elect Donald Trump will no doubt set the UK establishment into a further tailspin on the issue.
» Over the weekend it became apparent that Mrs. May was ready to roll out the big guns, going so far as to extend an invitation for the President-elect to attend an official state visit at the home of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. But the move seems to have stiffened the President-elect’s resolve in his support for Mr. Farage.
» The pair met, alongside Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam and campaigners last weekend at his residence in Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan last weekend. During the visit, Mr. Kassam and Mr. Farage both urged the President-elect to return the bust of Sir Winston Churchill to the Oval Office, which was removed by President Obama in a snub to the United Kingdom. Mr. Farage has been keen to stress since the meeting that he would be amenable to any role in assisting the relationship between the two nations.
President-elect Trump was a keen supporter of the Brexit movement led by Mr. Farage, even going so far as to label his own victory “Brexit plus plus plus” and even introducing Mr. Farage at a rally in Jackson, Mississippi. Mr. Farage has dealt with immense criticism on his side of the pond for supporting Mr. Trump, as even members of his own political party — including leadership candidates Paul Nuttall and Suzanne Evans, as well as party officials such as John Bickley and Douglas Carswell MP — criticised him for his support for then Republican candidate Donald Trump. »
Mis en ligne le 22 novembre 2016 à 09H56
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