Et GW? De quoi il parle, celui-là?



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…Entre-temps, il y a du nouveau dans le jeu des “milliers d’erreurs” en Irak. GW lui-même s’est aperçu que les militaires américains avaient fait des erreurs en Irak. Des erreurs ? Les militaires ? “I don’t know what [he is] talking about”?

Voici quelques mots de Reuters à propos de cet étrange aveu de GW, sans consultation préalable de Rumsfeld : « President George W. Bush admitted on Thursday the U.S. military made mistakes in Iraq but defended his domestic eavesdropping program, insisting to a hostile questioner he had no reason to apologize for it. Beset by low approval ratings dragged down by pessimism over Iraq, Bush also signaled impatience with Iraqi leaders and urged them to break their deadlock and form a national unity government seen as crucial to averting sectarian civil war.

» Trying to rally sagging U.S. support for the war, Bush went to a Republican Southern stronghold for the latest in a series of speeches meant to convince an increasingly skeptical public that he has a winning strategy in Iraq.

» In some of his frankest language so far, Bush responded to a question on what he could have done differently in Iraq by acknowledging the United States could have moved faster in training Iraqi troops and police. He said Iraqi security forces were originally trained to handle external threats but instead the threat came from inside the country, from al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. “In retrospect, we could've done better,” Bush said. But he insisted the overall U.S. strategy in Iraq had been correct. »

Mis en ligne le 7 avril 2006 à 09H58