Aux armes contre la “gauche Loughner”

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Aux armes contre la “gauche Loughner”

Jack Wheeler, sorte de commentateur-aventurier dans les milieux républicains activistes, n’est certainement pas un tendre. Sa réputation est bien établie dans la droite dure US, quelque part mais pas très loin des néo-conservateurs, pas très éloigné non plus du complexe militaro-industriel et des entreprises privées de sécurité auxquelles il sert de relais pour des contrats avec le Pentagone. Il exprime des opinions extrêmement tranchées sur son site To The Point.

Il n’empêche, l’homme est consulté comme une personnalité sérieuse et représentative à Washington, dans les milieux proches de l’establishment des durs de la droite bushiste. Par exemple, mais bon exemple et exemple significatif, il fit partie d’une rencontre privilégiée du député Pierre Lellouche, alors président de l’Assemblée parlementaire de l’Alliance atlantique, en voyage d’exploration à Washington pour le futur président Sarkozy, en mai 2006...

Le 24 mai 2006, Wheeler écrivait sur son site :

«No snide comments how “rational Frenchman” is an oxymoron. There are plenty of them, albeit not enough. I had lunch with one of them here in DC yesterday. He's Pierre Lellouche, who represents Paris (4th district) in the National Assembly (France's Parliament) and is President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

»If you had been there with me, you'd have come away wishing he were Bush's National Security Advisor for Europe. Even better, though, is that after Nicolas Sarkozy is elected President of France next April (see Sarko vs. Eurabia, January 2005), M. Lellouche may be France's Defense Minister…»

Mises à part les prédictions qui fleuraient un peu trop les illusions de Lellouche, ces remarques de Wheeler nous donnent effectivement l’idée que le personnage n’est pas sans influence. C’est à cette lumière que nous voulons signaler son commentaire sur le massacre de Tucson, Arizona, entièrement axé sur l’idée que l’attaque est un montage des démocrates pour discréditer la droite US, que le tireur arrêté (Loughner) est en fait un gauchiste et un provocateur. (Wheeler parle désormais de la “gauche Loughner”.) Il est amusant, pour la confusion des choses et la complexité des sentiments, de voir le New York Times classé parmi cette “gauche Loughner” accusée de vouloir établir par le feu et par le sang une dictature socialo-fasciste en Amérique.

Wheeler exprime là, en termes violents parce qu’il peut se le permettre, une idée largement répandue dans la droite US après l’attaque de Tucson. Voici des extraits de son texte sur To The Point du 11 janvier 2011.

«We all know what leftie talking heads on television look like, such as Chrissie Mathews, Keith Olberman, Katie Couric, et al. But how about Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos website, the bloggers of the Democratic Underground, or the writers of the New York Daily News?

»Now we know what they all look like. Even the talking heads, now we know what they really look like. From this moment on, this is the face they all have, the face that will appear in our mind's eye picture of them whenever we read what they write or hear what they say. This face: [N.B. : photo de Loughner] … is the Face of the Left. The left is now the Loughner Left.

»Jared Loughner is crazy, mentally deranged in a horribly destructive and evil way. So is Keith Olberman, Markos Moulitsas, Paul Krugman, the editors of the New York Times - the entire Enemedia is just as nuts as this Arizona madman. We've always suspected as much, but their clinically around-the-bend fascist politicalization of the Arizona Massacre is final confirming proof.

»The Enemedia is populated by fascist madmen who don't just want to murder a handful of random people - they want to murder America. They want to impoverish and enslave all 310 million of us. Or put us in jail if we have the temerity to disagree with them. […]

»There is good that will come of this. First is the recognition that the Enemedia – the “mainstream media” of the New York Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine, Associated Press, MSNBC, leftoid anchors on network and cable news, Daily Kos and the Moonbat blogospherel – are disgraced.

»No conservative pundit or journalist or activist should have anything to do with them, any more than they would with a writer for a magazine published by the Ku Klux Klan. The Loughner Left has lost its membership in decent, civilized society. They are no longer to be considered decent people.

»If they wish to be once more, then genuine public contrition is required. Any conservative finding himself on air, for example, with a Loughner Leftie, should begin with a request for an apology to Sarah Palin, the Tea Partyers, and conservatives in general for the obscene accusations that the Arizona Massacre was their fault. If they refuse, they walk off the set after denouncing the leftoid as a deranged fascist monster just as crazy as Jared Loughner.

»The second good to come of this is that there is no way to deny now that we are in a street fight to the knife with crazy evil people, people who mean to kill our country. No quarter given, no quarter taken, no Marquis of Queensberry rules.

»Ask yourself: what would you do if you found yourself in an actual real fight with a homicidal maniac? No escape, no running and hiding, it's fight or die.

»We are in that fight, folks. It's fight or die now with the Enemedia of the Loughner Left.»