
Article : Psychologie de l’hameçon, dans sa forteresse de conviction

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Bush sous controle medical

Steven Rix


L’apparence de l’homme est en fait trompeuse. Les soirs il y a des discussions entre GWB et sa femme sur un tas de sujets, et l’Irak revient sans cesse dans les sujets de discussion (interview de Laura Bush sur Larry King en 2005), or une femme de President a le devoir de ne pas ebruiter publiquement ces genres de conversations.
Je me suis souvent interroge si George W. Bush n’etait pas en fait un homme medicamente. Je me souviens lors du debat televise presidentiel ou le President paraissait fortement “decontracte”. Cette decontraction l’avait meme empeche de repondre spontanement a John Kerry sur des sujets brulants, et plusieurs personnes avaient commente sur la machoire de GWB qui ne se refermait pas, comme si il allait perdre sa salive. Il y a un medicament prescrit qui engendre cet effet secondaire et ces dans le domaine des maxo-relaxers, et possiblement meme d’autres drogues dont je n’ai pas connaissance.

Remarquez que ce mot “relaxed” revient souvent sur la bouche des gens qui l’ont rencontre. Nous sommes dans une situation atypique ou la serenite du President ne semble pas le toucher mentalement. Il y a chaque fois ce decallage assymetrique entrainant un etonnement de ces gens censes sur l’apparance physique du President. Je ne pense pas que ce soit du conformisme, mais il n’y aurait peut-etre que des gens sous medicaments qui peuvent paraitre aussi decontractes. C’est peut-etre la seule maniere de GWB d’aller jusqu’a bout de son terme presidentiel. Le systeme essaie de le garder en vie, alimente en substance par un monde artificiel, malgre la triste realite de ce monde geopolitique, un peu comme on fait les Chinois avec Deng Xiaoping.

Wapo article et commentaire



Come on !  There is nothing new under the sun, the moon, the star wars or the earth to say about the unitary presider, and nothing new to learn about him, in spite of the Washington Post’s quasi-permanent efforts at his rehabilitation, comparable to the NY Times refusal to expose that he had to wear a wire in order to participate in the presidential debates. 

One can note, on the other hand, his consistency and coherence:  G.B. has failed at everything he’s attempted and constantly had to be bailed out by his family, whether it was a matter of getting diplomas or running companies into the ground…  Many signs are present that would strongly suggest that Mr. Bush’s case belongs in the Ripley’s Believe it or Not annals of pure psycho-pathology, or is off his madsd, as another reader previously suggested.  Or are we to accept that Mr. Bush is the unitary spokesman for God, since he claims to have a direct hot line to Him.

We know George Bush is not running the country (and we know who is).  It wasn’t an accident that he continued with the My Pet Goat saga in the middle of 9/11, that he was away from his desk on his bicycle riding thru Rock Creek Park and hence not notified about another serious incident on his watch, that Katrina didn’t motivate him to immediately shorten his ranch vacation; he then went out fundraising in the west and on to California to play the guitar of a rock star while the military held a dress rehearsal in violation of all law and occupied the streets of New Orleans. ..

At first, the selected, as opposed to elected, president was quite satisfied to play the role of the front man, diligently reading his teleprompter and scripts.  But he also got into the role of being president and has to re-assure himself - and remind everyone else -  that he’s “the decider”.  When he spontaneously goes off script, he utters insanities on his own initiative, such as praising South Africa, the continent, or was it Africa, the country ?    The Queen of England might not have said anything at the several occasions whereby Mr. Bush revealed that he’s not into protocol, either; however, if it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, the photo ops with the Queen reveal everything that she did not speak, not to mention the yo, Tony conversation, where we all heard him speak, or the neck rub for the german Chancellor…..

How much is enough?, to borrow A. Entoven’s question.  How much insight or intelligence gathering is necessary to comprehend the limitations of the current resident of Pennsylvania Avenue ?  The only interesting questions today are those that aren’t being raised.  How much official torture is enough ?  Where’s the outrage ?  Polls show that Mr. Bush’s popularity makes Richard Nixon’s look rock solid at the height of Watergate.  What could the under 30d % of those who still support George Bush possibly be thinking?  Have they had frontal lobotomies? 

Why has the Congress not only re-confirmed being a know-nothing congress, but a do-nothing one as well?  Sure, lots of commissions, inquiries and statements in between voting funds for the wars to continue and voting yet another pay raise for themselves.  How many violations of the rule of law, how many articles of the Constitution have to be trashed, how many war crimes have to be committed, before the legislative branch of the government has enough and starts to do its job ?  What are Mrs. Pelosi, Mr. Reid and Mr. Levin, among too many others, waiting for?;  apologies and true confessions from the president, vice president and their neo-gang ?  So far, the people’s representatives are content to echo and slightly update Claude Rains in the other Casa Blanca, “I’m shocked, just shocked (and awed)”