
Article : Obama a fabriqué une présidence sur mesure pour The Donald

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His stupidity is rivalled only by his meanness



Finalement Hillary Clinton tient sa revanche sur Obama,interrogée par Vladimir Pozner elle confiait :

- qu'Obama avait dit des choses très dures sur elle
- qu'elle pardonnait la stupidité (Trump ?)
- qu'elle ne pardonnait pas la méchanceté (Obama ?)

QUESTION: And that’s another thing I wanted to ask you. During this – the debates that went on, so you said some pretty hard things about now-President Obama. Did you have any problem at all accepting this offer, actually? You know.
SECRETARY CLINTON: (Laughter.) Well, he said some hard things about me.

QUESTION: What human frailty would you be most likely to forgive?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Stupidity (Laughter.)

QUESTION: What would you not forgive?

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