Notre supériorité sur Rome, c’est que nous sommes nos propres barbares



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La chute de l’empire romain, grand mystère qui fit grand bruit et qui passionne nos érudits-Système, fut achevée plus que causée, dit-on, par “les barbares”. Quoi qu’il en soit, il reste dans notre version de la chute de cet empire que des barbares “extérieurs” y contribuèrent symboliquement, sinon notablement. L’avantage que nous avons sur l’empire romain, pour ce qui est de notre chute qui a toutes les caractéristiques de la grande Chute que nous attendons désormais avec la plus grande impatience, c’est que les barbares, pour notre cause, sont en nous-mêmes. Nous sommes donc nos propres barbares, et nous mènerons à bien cette entreprise de notre Chute, très vite, sans hésiter plus avant, dans ce grand élan d’autodestruction qui nous caractérise. Jean-François Mattei, avec sa Barbarie intérieure (PUF, 2001) qui caractérise la modernité, avait bien entendu raison, sans qu’il ait prévu nécessairement que tout cela serait éclaboussé de sang, et montré au monde grâce à la technologie avancée de nos vidéos et de notre système de communication, ce Janus

L’excentrique colonel Kadhafi nous aura laissé cet ultime cadeau de nous démontrer effectivement cette étrange et double personnalité d’être nous-mêmes et l’exécuteur de nous-mêmes. Le massacre-lynchage du colonel Kadhafi, répercuté aux quatre coins du monde, installe symboliquement, comme ultime condition de cet acte de justice que représente la chute de la contre-civilisation américaniste-occidentaliste, que nous sommes sans discussion possible la barbarie du monde, et que la modernité est l’archétype de l’achèvement de la barbarie. Effectivement les conditions de ce massacre-lynchage sont en train de faire grand bruit, et il n’est pas assuré que tel ou tel ministre se félicitera d’avoir été pris en flagrant délit de cynisme, d’ignorance, d’aveuglement et de simple bêtise non concertée. (On pense au gloussement de jeune fille attardée et excitée d’Hillary Clinton aussi bien qu’à la première réaction du ministre britannique des affaires étrangères Hague, – entre autres gracieusetés.)

Bien entendu et cela va sans dire, et encore bien mieux en le disant, il est évident que le bloc BAO porte absolument l’entière responsabilité intellectuelle, opérationnelle et morale de tous les événements qui sont survenus jeudi, et de tout le reste en Libye, à cause de l’aide, du soutien et des machinations de ce même bloc dans la manufacture et la conduite de cette étrange et sinistre aventure. Toutes les directions politiques du bloc BAO réunies à cette occasion dans l’OTAN, de Sarko à Obama, et l’OTAN elle-même cela va de soi, ont aujourd’hui, symboliquement autant qu’en vérité, les mains tachées, ou l'on dirait noyées, de sang. Ainsi en est-il de leur destin, et cela comme la sanction publique et générale de la politique d’agression suivie par ce bloc dans la plus complète impunité. Le sel et l’ironie de la situation est que le barbare qui est en nous serait bien sur le point, ayant été pris la main sanglante dans le sac, de se trouver pris dans le simulacre de justice internationale qu’il a établi pour constituer ce faux masque d’humanisme de notre contre-civilisation.

• Parmi d’autres, le Daily Telegraph confirme, ce 21 octobre 2011, que la mort de Kadhafi devrait être l’objet d’une enquête qui pourrait mener à des inculpations pour crimes de guerre.

«Rupert Colville, spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said: “It is unclear how (Col Gaddafi) died. There is a need for an investigation.” Describing footage of Gaddafi's last moments as “very disturbing”, he said that if the former dictator had been executed: “That would raise issues that a crime had been committed and we would have to look at dealing with that. It is very clear under international law that summary executions are illegal. You can't just chuck the law out of the window. Killing someone outside a judicial procedure, even in countries where there is the death penalty, is outside the rule of law.” It raised the possibility that rebel soldiers could be pursued for war crimes.

»Amnesty International, meanwhile, called for "a full, independent and impartial inquiry" into the circumstances of Gaddafi's death. Gaddafi's wife, Safia, also called on the UN to investigate the death of her husband and her son, according to a Syrian TV station.»

• Les conditions de la mort de Kadhafi constituent un cas que les Russes semblent ne pas vouloir laisser passer pour faire payer au bloc BAO la façon dont ce bloc a interprété, falsifié et manipulé une résolution des Nations-Unies qu’eux-mêmes (les Russes) ont soutenue. Le ministre des affaires étrangères Lavrov a répondu à des questions de Russia Today, le 21 octobre 2011.

«Lavrov said Gaddafi had lost his legitimacy long ago, but his death on Thursday evokes some serious questions. “It is no accident that the Office of UN High Commissioner on Human Rights stated today that all circumstances of his (Gaddafi's) death must be investigated and I fully agree that such an investigation will be conducted,” Lavrov said in a live interview broadcast by Echo Moskvy, the Voice of Russia, and Radio Russia radio stations.

»Lavrov stressed that in compliance with international law, the moment that a party to an armed conflict is captured special procedures should be applied to him or her, including assistance, as well as a ban on killing such a person. The Russian Foreign Minister said that it appeared from video footage that the former Libyan leader was killed only after his capture. “The footage that we saw on TV indicates that he [Gaddafi] was really captured when he was injured and that later, already in captivity his life was taken away from him,” he said.

»Lavrov also said that NATO’s aerial attack on Gaddafi's convoy as it was attempting to leave Sirte did not conform to the letter of the UN mandate to guarantee a no-fly zone above Libya set by UN Security Council résolution 1973. In the Foreign Minister’s opinion, the attack on Gaddafi's convoy was directly at odds with the agreed task of guaranteeing a no-fly zone, especially ”as in this specific case one cannot speak of protecting the lives of civilians either because the convoy did not attack anyone.”

»Meanwhile, there would have been far less bloodshed in Libya if Western countries had accepted an African Union initiative for settling the Libyan crisis, Lavrov has argued. "Unfortunately, the initiative of the African Union for organizing negotiations between [the regime of Muammar Gaddafi and the opposition] was not supported, primarily by Western countries, which had by then apparently embarked on a course of defeating the Gaddafi regime by armed force," Lavrov said.»

• Les considérations autant que les conditions de la mort de Kadhafi sont exposées évidemment dans de très nombreux compte-rendus. On peut consulter celui de Reuters, relayé par RAW Story, le 21 octobre 2011. On s’arrêtera à celui de Russia Today, le 21 octobre 2011.

«The death of the former Libyan strongman was hailed by the British prime minister. Earlier in September, David Cameron pledged that Britain would help hunt down the Libyan leader. “People in Britain salute your courage and while we are proud of the role we played to help, we know this was your revolution from your bravery. You showed the world you would get of a dictator and you would choose freedom,” he said.

»The declaration comes as a far cry from Cameron’s insistence back in March that Gaddafi be put on trial at the International Criminal Court.

»NTC fighters were even dissuaded from their shoot-to-kill policy – agreeing in August they would take him alive. “I don’t think he would have got a particularly fair trial in any case,” argues Chris Nineham from the Stop the War Coalition. “But nevertheless what has basically been a summary execution has been a very barbaric end to what, I believe, has been a very barbaric operation from the start As I say, this NATO operation was never supposed to be about regime change, but that’s really what was has been the outcome of it.”

»The back-slapping has been fuelled by the gruesome footage of Gaddafi’s body splashed across headlines on Thursday. The video showed Gaddafi was still alive when he was captured, but clearly that did not last long. Some suggest this was an execution and question why this is being applauded.

»“Gaddafi was assassinated after he was caught wounded. This is a very heinous crime against a wounded man and the Arab public will see it as such,” political analyst professor Ibrahim Alloush is convinced. “I’ve talked to people who disliked Gaddafi and who disliked the way he was killed. They think this tells you something about the morality of the so-called revolutionaries.”»

• Un aspect particulier de cette affaire est mis en évidence dans le même texte de Russia Today. Il concerne le fait de la diffusion massive des films et images de l’exécution-lynchage de Kadhafi, dont l’effet psychologique et va être considérable, bien entendu au désavantage du montage humanitaire réalisé par le bloc BAO depuis l’origine. Le contraste est tracé avec le black out entourant la mort de ben Laden. Un argument est avancé, de type extrêmement capitaliste et qui nous confirme dans nos contradictions mortelles et notre processus d’autodestruction : la concurrence entre les médias. (Cela, en plus de sa fonction de Janus du système de la communication, qui a constitué l'outil formidable de cette diffusion massive ; ce système de la communication répondant lui-même aux règles, évidemment toujours autodestructrices, de la concurrence capitaliste.)

«…This is a view shared by many on Twitter. There are several posts already concerned about the coverage, questioning the necessity of such graphic images. And why Gaddifi’s death – dictator or not – has been reported with so much jubilation.

»One tweet, by @matthewburgess1, has labeled the images horrific and suggests any other figure would not have such graphic images displayed. Another suggests media outlets are having a competition.

»Sally Bercow, a prominent activist in the UK says she sees why the same was not done for Osama Bin Laden. Back then, President Obama refused to release the images of Bin Laden’s mangled body, saying it could incite more violence or be used as propaganda. But for the Gaddafi, the vultures were too quick.»

• Le site DEBKAFiles donne, le 21 octobre 2011, des indications sur les conditions précédant la mort de Kadhafi, notamment en affirmant et détaillant une intervention d’une unité spéciale d’un pays de l’OTAN (nationalité non précisée). La description est à la fois intéressante et édifiante. Le site confronte ses propres informations avec celles qui ont été données par l’OTAN, observant que l’OTAN cherche à éviter toute responsabilité dans l’attaque contre Kadhafi lui-même. (L’OTAN affirme ne pas avoir été au courant de la présence de Kadhafi dans le convoi lorsque celui-ci fut attaqué par des avions d’un pays de l’Alliance, au nom de l’Alliance ; ce qui permet de comprendre presque évidemment que l’Alliance a toujours interprété le mandat de l’ONU, d’une façon faussaire et trompeuse, comme un mandat pour participer aux opérations offensives aux côtés des “rebelles”.)

«DEBKAfile's military sources report mounting indications that a NATO special forces unit – although of which nation is unknown – located and captured Muammar Qaddafi in the Sirte area.

»They aparently shot him in both legs to prevent his escape and informed a Misrata militia of his whereabouts, knowing they would kill him in view of the town's long reckoning with the former Libyan ruler. NATO was guided by two considerations: First not to comprise the presence of ground troops in the battle zone in breach of the alliance's UN mandate; and second, to give the Libyan rebels a psychological victory – especially after they failed in battle to capture Qaddafi's home town of Sirte.

»It was also important for his death to be laid at the door of his own people, not NATO. Western alliance leaders figured that as long as Qaddafi was alive and at liberty, the interim government had no chance of establishing its legitimacy and a stable administration and calling an end to the war. His death enables NATO to draw a line on its Libyan venture – but not the war.

»Later Friday, NATO issued a statement saying it was not aware Qaddafi was in a convoy heading out of Sirte when it was targeted by alliance warplanes Thursday morning. Note was taken of 75 vehicles leaving the city at high speed and 11 were attacked, destroying one of them. After that, 20 vehicles broke away form the convoy and kept moving south, “continuing to pose a significant threat,” said the Brussels statement. A second air strike damaged or destroyed 10 of the vehicles. Only later, did NATO discover that Qaddafi was in the convoy and “the strike likely contributed to his capture.” DEBKAfile notes that this statement absolves the Western alliance of responsibility for killing Qaddafi.»

Mis en ligne le 22 octobre 2011 à 06H47