Les USA (et le reste), comme la Grèce…

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Les USA (et le reste), comme la Grèce…

Le constat que les USA (et nombre d’autres pays, bien entendu, dont ceux de l’UE) sont dans la même situation budgétaire que la Grèce n’est pas une surprise à proprement parler. Mais que cela soit longuement expliqué par le New York Times le 11 mai 2010 est déjà un signe du sérieux de la chose. Que cela soit nettement affirmé, dans un rare moment d’emportement de langage, par Mervyn King, le président de la Banque d’Angleterre, est encore plus révélateur. (King mettant bien sûr le Royaume-Uni et d’autres dans le même sac que les USA-Grèce.)

C’est Edmund Conway, du Daily Telegraph, qui rapporte ces propos de King le 13 mai 2010.

«Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, fears that America shares many of the same fiscal problems currently haunting Europe. […].

»What with all the excitement yesterday over our new Government, I never had time to remark on the Inflation Report press conference. Most of our attention was on what King said about the Government’s fiscal plans (a ringing endorsement). But, as Jeremy Warner has written in today’s paper, it was as if King had suddenly been unleashed. Bear in mind King is usually one of the most guarded policymakers in both British and central banking circles. Not yesterday.

»It isn’t often one has the opportunity to get such a blunt and straightforward insight into the thoughts of one of the world’s leading economic players. Most of this stuff usually stays behind closed doors, so it’s worth taking note of. And I suspect that while George Osborne will have been happy to hear his endorsement of the new Government’s policies, Barack Obama and the European leaders will have been far less pleased with his frank comments on their predicament.

»The transcript and video are online at the Bank’s website, but below are the extended highlights, all emphasis mine. Well worth checking out.

»America, and many other large economies including the UK, share some of the same problems as Greece with its public finances:

»Every country around the world is in a similar position, even the United States; the world’s largest economy has a very large fiscal deficit. And one of the concerns in financial markets is clearly – how will this enormous stock of public debt be reduced over the next few years? And it’s very important that governments, both here and elsewhere, get to grips with this problem, have a clear approach and a very clear and credible approach to reducing the size of those deficits over, in our case, the lifetime of this parliament, in order to convince markets that they should be willing to continue to finance the very large sums of money that will be needed to be raised from financial markets over the next few years, at reasonable interest rates.»
