
Article : USA, loi de Stromberg et syndrome Leslie Nielsen

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Elle a beaucoup priée et puis un malaise a l'insu de son plein gré la faisant appuyer sur le mauvais bouton : BOUM 100.000 morts c'est ... vraiment ... trop con ... la prochaine fois promis elle fera gaffe au gros bouton rouge !

It was hours before Sen. Hillary Clinton would vote in 2002 on whether to give President George W. Bush the authority to go to war with Iraq. She had been advised by her husband and many close associates to vote yes. Now, at the last minute, she met with a group of church leaders, joining hands in silent prayer, insisting that she remained undecided…In the end, however, the New York Democrat crossed party lines and voted for the authorization to use military force.

Songe à tous tes amours, songe à toutes tes haines,
Et plonge-toi, sauvage et outrancier,
Comme un rouge faisceau de lances,
En ce terrible et fourmillant brasier
De violence et de silence

Emile Verhaeren. La Crypte.