
Article : L’“oil spill” et l’impuissance du pouvoir politique

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Money Trail

Schlachthof 5


“Investigation reveals possible criminal activity connecting Obama to BP oil spill

The new line of defense employed by the Obama Administration to deflect criticism of its lackadaisical handling of the BP oil spill is to launch a criminal investigation of the company.

Perhaps this is the best thing that could happen.  Such an investigation would, of course, uncover all of BP’s connections to the Democratic Party and Barack Obama, who were the single largest beneficiaries of BP campaign contributions over the last 10 years.

Granted, the Obama Justice Department, under the leadership of Obama lackey Eric Holder, would never delve into any real criminal activity if it involved revelations concerning the Administration’s connections to BP, as well as the cozy relationship the company has with Democrats on the Hill.

Someone else, however, has already done such an investigation and has uncovered explosive information that possibly implicates Barack Obama, certain members of his Administration, and Democrats in Congress, in the committing of crimes.

The key is to follow the money trail.


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