
Article : Comment la dialectique des Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld conduit à l’analogie USA-Allemagne nazie

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Frank Rich slams 'Donald Rumsfeld's dance with the Nazis'

Lambrechts Francis


New York Times columnist Frank Rich slams “Donald Rumsfeld’s dance with the Nazis” in a recent speech as particularly “brazen” coming from a Defense Secretary who was once photographed shaking hands with Saddam Hussein.

... Rich continues. “Presumably he was not only describing the usual array of ‘Defeatocrats’ but also the first President Bush, who had already been implicitly tarred as an appeaser by Tony Snow last month for failing to knock out Saddam in 1991.”

... Here’s how brazen Rumsfeld was when he invoked Hitler’s appeasers to score his cheap points: Since Hitler was photographed warmly shaking Neville Chamberlain’s hand at Munich in 1938, the only image that comes close to matching it in epochal obsequiousness is the December 1983 photograph of Rumsfeld himself in Baghdad, warmly shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein in full fascist regalia. Is the defense secretary so self-deluded that he thought no one would remember a picture so easily Googled on the Web? Or worse, is he just too shameless to care?