
Article : Anatomie d’Anonymous

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statistiques , graphique des accès à wikileaks +560% sur le mois

Francis Lambert


Compared with all internet users, Wikileaks’s users are disproportionately male, and they are disproportionately childless, low-income users browsing from school who have postgraduate educations.
Alexa Traffic Rank 861
Traffic Rank in US 363
Sites Linking In : 4,345

Audience Snapshot
Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by males who are in the age range 18-24, have no children, are graduate school educated and browse this site from school.

Alexa Traffic Rank 1,162,756
Traffic Rank in FR ...... 45,771
Sites Linking In .............. 280

Audience Snapshot
Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by females who are in the age range 45-54 and are graduate school educated.’s Worldwide Traffic Rank
Country Rank
Morocco : 5,040
France : 45,771