Un autre regard sur le Tea Party

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Un autre regard sur le Tea Party

Proposé par le site “libertarien” anglais Spiked, et sous la plume de Wendy Kaminer, ‘lawyer, writer and free speech activist”, cet article offre quelques détails sur le Tea Party, mettant en évidence ses contradictions, tout en témoignant de la difficulté qu'éprouvent les commentateurs/trices devant ce mouvement.

Extraits :

«No wonder pundits struggle to make sense of the Tea Party movement; it’s a political nonsense, or, rather, a political tantrum, largely and quietly funded by the gazillionaire Koch brothers ... […]

»So, the Tea Party is, in part, a movement of people organising against their own economic interests. Its success in winning senate and gubernatorial nominations is a testament to the fragility of reason and the irrelevance of reality to a significant minority of voters.»


Sylvain Michelet