Pakistanais excédés...

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Pakistanais excédés...

Il est vrai que l’irritation est générale, devant le comportement erratique, déstabilisant, déstructurant, etc., de l’empire ivre qu’est devenue l’Amérique, avec en plus les interférences de son désordre intérieur sur les relations internationales et les diverses crises en cours. Cet article du Guardian du 8 octobre 2010, tout en donnant des précisions sur les réactions européennes devant les diverses alertes au terrorisme lancées par les USA, rapporte des réactions pakistanaises à l’action US dans ce pays, ou “contre” ce pays, ou bien autre chose et l’on ne sait plus très bien quoi, – action liée aux alertes au terrorisme en Europe.

«A US terror alert issued this week about al-Qaida plots to attack targets in western Europe was politically motivated and not based on credible new information, senior Pakistani diplomats and European intelligence officials have told the Guardian.

»The non-specific US warning, which despite its vagueness led Britain, France and other countries to raise their overseas terror alert levels, was an attempt to justify a recent escalation in US drone and helicopter attacks inside Pakistan that have “set the country on fire”, said Wajid Shamsul Hasan, the high commissioner to Britain.

»Hasan, a veteran diplomat who is close to Pakistan's president, suggested the Obama administration was playing politics with the terror threat before next month's mid-term congressional elections, in which the Republicans are expected to make big gains.

»He also claimed President Obama was reacting to pressure to demonstrate that his Afghan war strategy and this year's troop surge, which are unpopular with the American public, were necessary.

» “I will not deny the fact that there may be internal political dynamics, including the forthcoming mid-term American elections. If the Americans have definite information about terrorists and al-Qaida people, we should be provided [with] that and we could go after them ourselves,” Hasan said.

»“Such reports are a mixture of frustrations, ineptitude and lack of appreciation of ground realities. Any attempt to infringe the sovereignty of Pakistan would not bring about stability in Afghanistan, which is presumably the primary objective of the American and Nato forces.”»