On the Road au temps des USA d’Obama

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On the Road au temps des USA d’Obama

Lu ceci – très rapide, et sans commentaire utile, me semble-t-il – sur le blog “CDR Salamander”, à l’URL http://cdrsalamander.blogspot.com/2010/01/tsa-facepalm-of-day.html, au 5 janvier 2009. L’auteur, et sans doute héros malheureux de l’aventure, se nomme Michael Yon.

«Got arrested at the Seattle airport for refusing to say how much money I make. (The uniformed ones say I was not "arrested", but they definitely handcuffed me.) Their videos and audios should show that I was polite, but simply refused questions that had nothing to do with national security. Port authority police eventually came – they were professionals – and rescued me from the border bullies.

»When they handcuffed me, I said that no country has ever treated me so badly. Not China. Not Vietnam. Not Afghanistan. Definitely not Singapore or India or Nepal or Germany, not Brunei, not Indonesia, or Malaysia, or Kuwait or Qatar or United Arab Emirates. No county has treated me with the disrespect can that can be expected from our border bullies.»

Jacques Laubion