Même le Tea Party est pourri !

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Même le Tea Party est pourri !

C'est ce qui ressort d'un article de Yasha Levine sur Truthdig, montrant comment les principaux leaders du mouvement profitent largement des subsides gouvernementales (notamment agricoles) qu'ils condamnent avec tant de rage dans leurs discours.

Extraits :

«According to federal records compiled by the Environmental Working Group, since 1995 the congresswoman [Michele Bachmann] profited from $251,973 in dairy and corn subsidies via a stake in her family’s farm. Bachmann’s financial disclosure forms indicate that her piece of the business earned her a (federally subsidized) income of up to $50,000 in 2008, a nice addition to the $174,000 taxpayer-funded salary she gets as a House member.

»Bachmann is not the only tea party subsidy queen. Many of the fresh-faced tea party candidates jockeying for a spot in Congress on a platform of “fiscal responsibility” and “small government” are quite content to allow themselves—and their constituents—to keep feeding at the “big government” trough. […]

»If you are wondering why the tea party rank and file allows them to get away with the hypocrisy, then look no further than billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, the ideological and financial backers of the tea party movement. The Kochs have become famous for their generous right-wing philanthropy. Their final goal is, as David Koch once put it, “to minimize the role of government, to maximize the rôle of private economy and to maximize personal freedoms.”

»Yet, as I uncovered last month, the Koch brothers have made a fortune maximizing their subsidized business assets, seeking out business ventures that have directly benefited from the same big-government policies that they supposedly deplore.»

Sylvain Michelet