Le parti républicain US : ambiance…

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Le parti républicain US : ambiance…

L’atmosphère à l’intérieur du parti républicain est devenue extrêmement tendue et explosive, à la fois en raison des événements déjà enregistrés ces deux dernières années avec la montée de Tea Party, la polarisation des extrêmes, etc., et en raison de la perspective des présidentielles de 2012.

Deux jugements qui mesurent cette atmosphère de “guerre civile” à l’intérieur du parti républicain.

• L’ancien sénateur républicain Alan Specter, selon Politoco.com le 4 mars 2011 :

«Former Sen. Arlen Specter, who called infighting between conservative and moderate Republicans “sophisticated cannibalism” in his farewell Senate address, says he misspoke. The partisanship in Washington, says Specter in an interview with the Penn Current, is “raw cannibalism” and predicts chaos in the run-up to 2012:

»“I made a mistake; I should not have called it sophisticated. It’s just raw cannibalism. The fights between the parties have descended to a level where right now it appears we are going to have two years of chaos, until the decision is made about who is going to be elected president in 2012.”»

• D’un des dirigeants de Tea Party Judson Phillips, parlant du Speaker républicain de la Chambre John Boehner et de l’acteur Charlie Sheen, qui défraie la chronique avec divers scandales sexuels, de prises de drogue, d’abandon abrupt de la série télévisée la plus populaire des USA et dont il était le héros, et avec des doutes affichés sur son équilibre mental… Sur RAW Story le 3 mars 2011

«The leader of Tea Party Nation declared Wednesday that House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) looks “like a fool” and should be defeated in a primary, tearing into him for not pushing larger budget cuts more aggressively.

»“There is no other way to put this,” Judson Phillips wrote on the Tea Party Nation's website. “The Tea Party movement should find a candidate to run against John Boehner in 2012 and should set as a goal, to defeat in a primary, the sitting Speaker of the House of Representatives.”

»The remarks reflect a rift between the GOP establishment and its base after tea party activists help propel Republicans to a dramatic takeover of the House and an expanded presence in the Senate last November. Now, they're demanding the steep spending cuts they were promised. “Early on, the GOP promised to cut $100 billion from the budget. The Republicans in the House quickly went squishy on that and had to be cajoled into cutting only $61 billion,” Phillips wrote. “Now, John Boehner is saying when the Senate comes back and they start negotiating with 'Dingy' Harry Reid, who does not want to make any cuts, the $61 billion figure is not safe.”

»The tea party leader castigated Boehner for saying Republicans fulfilled their promise to cut spending. “Charlie Sheen is now making more sense than John Boehner,” Phillips wrote.»
