La fureur anti-BHO de MK Bhadrakumar

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La fureur anti-BHO de MK Bhadrakumar

Nous poursuivons notre suivi des commentaires de l’excellent MK Bhadrakumar, l’ancien et expérimenté diplomate indien, passé effectivement commentateur des relations internationales. On sait que Bhadrakumar cultive (cultivait ?), à côté de ses excellentes analyses sur les pays hors du bloc BAO, une certaine fascination pour les USA, comme grand régulateur des dites relations internationales. Il semble que cette fascination soit en train de très rapidement se dissoudre.

Désenchantement, plus encore, colère de Bhadrakumar devant le comportement des USA, particulièrement d’Obama, dans l’affaire d’Ukraine et dans l’agression contre la Russie qui l’accompagne. Bhadrakumar essaie de comprendre cet homme (Obama) qui ridiculisait Romney à l’automne 2012 parce que le gouverneur-candidat républicain dénonçait la Russie comme ennemi n°1 des USA au nom d'une Guerre froide oubliée depuis les premières années 1980, et qui désormais suit cette politique en convoquant le monde entier pour s’aligner sur ses consignes. Bhadrakumar trempe désormais sa plume dans la fureur pour interpeller Obama et les USA, pour leur arrogance, leur aveuglement et ainsi de suite... Croit-il, Obama, qu’il peut disposer du Rest Of the World sur un simple claquement de doigt ? Si les Européens veulent s’y mettre, grand bien leur fasse, – mais les autres !

Ainsi sommes-nous informés à propos de l’accueil glacial qu’a reçu Kerry en visite à Delhi, à propos de l’état d’esprit en Inde où l’on interprète les récentes décisions du BRICS comme “la fin de la domination occidentale de l’ordre économique et financier du monde”, etc. Et ainsi, proclame Bhadrakumar, en est-il de l’état d’esprit du Rest Of the World, vis-à-vis du bloc BAO, des sanctions antirusses d’Obama, de l’arrogance américaniste des USA en déclin accéléré, – dans Indian PunchLine, le 30 juillet 2014.

«...That hefty slice of the international community, the silent majority, also would have a few things to know from Obama. To begin with, how can he arrogate to himself the prerogative to interpret international law whichever way it suits him at any given point? How does he explain the US’ aggression against Iraq and Libya resulting in the destruction of these countries — or, its blatant interference in Syria? Who is really responsible for triggering the turmoil in Ukraine late last year?

»Alas, Obama doesn’t realise he is scoring a self-goal and undercutting the credibility of US policies and that it is having a strange effect.

»Take, for instance, the alluring rhetoric by Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday, here, hoping to set the right tone for his impending visit to Delhi two days later. But it fell flat on the Indian ears. In fact, the foreign ministry spokesman in Delhi made it a point on Wednesday to confirm that the Indian minister is expected to take up with Kerry the stunning disclosures by the ex-CIA employee Edward Snowden regarding the NSA’s snooping activities in India. He said, “You are also aware that there is considerable disquiet in India about the authorizations provided to the American agencies in terms of contravening the privacy of individuals, entities and the Government of India. So, obviously if there is considerable disquiet, these issues are likely to figure without me getting into a detailed elaboration of what.”

»The Indian newspapers have generally portrayed Kerry’s mission as one of crass Philistine instincts — aimed at selling more weapons to India and at seeing how to remove the impediments for export of American nuclear reactors to the Indian market. Kerry has been made to look like a sweaty salesman in an Arthur Miller play. Why do such things happen? India was a country that fell over heels in love with Obama’s predecessor George W. Bush. But somehow, somewhere, an impression has formed in the Indian consciousness which is now difficult to erase — that Obama is a cynic and a self-centred opportunist who is singularly devoid of any rooted convictions, and therefore he’s highly susceptible to flip-flops.

»This is where the latest twist to his Russia policies will hurt US interests. Suffice to say, India won’t even touch with a barge pole the US’ rebalance strategy in Asia.

»Obama doesn’t get the point that the world is not interested in isolating Russia or in wrecking the Russian economy at a juncture when the world economy is in dire need of growth centres, especially outside the Western world. So, if Europe wants only Russian gas and will ban Russian oil, that’s fine with the fast-growing economies such as India or China or Vietnam. If Europe doesn’t want to purchase Russian weapons anymore, that’s also fine with India, Iraq, Egypt, Venezuela, Brazil, etc which will still have arms deals with Russia. Most certainly, BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization are not going to wither away.

»What Obama overlooks is that the instruments of the Cold War era have outlived their utility. It’s plain arrogance on his part to delude himself that he’s something of a magical Pied Piper and the rest of the world simply follows him. Why should the world fight America’s war to salvage the pristine status of the US dollar so as to preserve America’s global hegemony — despite being a power inexorably in decline?

»The BRICS bank, which is destined to rival the World Bank and the IMF — signifying “the end of western dominance of the global financial and economic order,” to quote, here, a prominent Indian strategic pundit who heads the National Security Council Advisory Board — is an immutable fact of life already. India, Brazil and China are not going to be frightened by the West’s restrictions on Russian banks.»

Mis en ligne le 31 juillet 2014 à 14H42