La Chine nous donne l’état des droits de l’homme aux USA

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La Chine nous donne l’état des droits de l’homme aux USA

Après unbe longue enquête faite auprès de Dieu-le-Père, il s’est avéré que les USA n’avaient pas le droit exclusif sur terre de juger de l’état des droits de l’homme chez les autres. Fort judicieusement, la Chine a décidé d'en profiter pour nous informer sur l'état de la chose aux USA, le pays quasiment fondateur de cette vertu et de la vertu en général. C'est dans un document officiel et cela ne manque pas d’intérêt.

Vous ne trouverez pas les gros titres sur ce document dans le New York Times ou le Washington Post, mais en rend compte, ce 19 mars 2010, d’une façon approfondie et intéressante. Le préambule du document explique ceci: « the US government releases Country Reports on Human Rights Practices year after year to accuse other countries, and takes human rights as a political instrument to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, defame other nations’ image and seek its own strategic interests. This fully exposes its double standards on the human rights issue…»

Après les réserves d’usage sur la situation chinoise, apprécie le document comme “factuel, sobre, souvent même très restreint, à partir de sources médiatiques et gouvernementales entièrement publiques, chaque information étant parfaitement référencée”. Quelques extraits…

«…It presents a picture of 21st century America as much of the world sees it, one which is in sharp contrast to the official mythology and American media propaganda. […] A few of the facts and figures cited on violence and police repression in the United States:

»• Each year, 30,000 people die in gun-related incidents.

»• There were 14,180 murders last year.

»• In the first ten months of 2009, 45 people were killed by police use of tasers, bringing the total for the decade to 389.

»• Last year, 315 police officers in New York City were subject to internal supervision due to “unrestrained use of violence.”

»• 7.3 million Americans were under the authority of the correctional system, more than in any other country.

»• An estimated 60,000 prisoners were raped while in custody last year.

»On democratic rights, the report notes the pervasive government spying on citizens, authorized under the 2001 Patriot Act, extensive surveillance of the Internet by the National Security Agency, and police harassment of anti-globalization demonstrators in Pittsburgh during last year’s G-20 summit. Pointing to the hypocrisy of US government “human rights” rhetoric, the authors observe, “the same conduct in other countries would be called human rights violations, whereas in the United States it was called necessary crime control.”

»The report only skims the surface on the socioeconomic crisis in the United States, noting record levels of unemployment, poverty, hunger and homelessness, as well as 46.3 million people without health insurance. It does offer a few facts rarely discussed in the US media:

»• 712 bodies were cremated at public expense in the city of Los Angeles last year, because the families were too poor to pay for a burial.

»• There were 5,657 workplace deaths recorded in 2007, the last year for which a tally is available, a rate of 17 deaths per day (not a single employer was criminally charged for any of these deaths).

»• Some 2,266 veterans died as a consequence of lack of health insurance in 2008, 14 times the military death toll in Afghanistan that year.

»The report presents evidence of pervasive racial discrimination against blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans, the most oppressed sections of the US working class, including a record number of racial discrimination claims over hiring practices, more than 32,000. It also notes the rising number of incidents of discrimination or violence against Muslims, and the detention of 300,000 “illegal” immigrants each year, with more than 30,000 immigrants in US detention facilities every day of the year.

»It notes that the state of California imposed life sentences on 18 times more black defendants than white, and that in 2008, when New York City police fired their weapons, 75 percent of the targets were black, 22 percent Hispanic and only 3 percent white.»