
Article : Rigged USA, sondages déchaînés en terra incognita

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Analyse détaillée du contexte verbal dans son extension maximale



Frappant de voir Hollande baragouiner allemand, on se souvient que De Gaulle le parlait autrement mieux. A quoi sert il de faire l'europe des monnaies si l'on ne sait pas parler le langage de l'autre.

Les mots sont importants il convient de bien les choisir.Le mot de la journée était donc Rigged, d'habitude on l'utilise pour parler des pays de l'Outer-Unter-Land

Carl Bildt @carlbildt  Sep 18
More than a third of Russian believe the Duma election will be rigged, according to independent polls.

Mr President, Belarus is a special country ... If the elections on 19 March turn out to be rigged, the people will wait until they can have free elections at some future date.

L'usage du mot Rig remonte à 1600 mais n'est arrivé dans le dictionnaire qu'en 1727 dans une rubrique spéciale dédiée à l'argot des bas fonds

What we do know, however, is that the noun rig that refers to a trick was in use for a while before the verb came into being. We have evidence of the noun going back to the 1600s, and the evidence for its use is fairly good. But the noun isn't entered into hardly any of the 17th- or 18th-centuries dictionaries for one reason: it was cant. Cant is often called thieves slang, and that's essentially what it is: the argot of an area's sketchier citizens. During the 18th century, there was a sudden fascination with the underworld, and it led to some fascinating writing (called "rogue literature") and some dictionaries to help a fine, upstanding citizen decode what the London pickpockets and prostitutes were saying.

Le merriam webster (dictionnaire complotiste) remarque que le mot passa des voleurs aux banquiers aux environs des années 1800

In the early 1800s, the noun and verb rig came to refer to fraudulent auctions, and a stock scheme to manipulate prices by cornering the market in a publicly listed stock. You could say that rig had moved from one set of thieves (pickpockets) to another (bankers).