Visa et MasterCard bientôt interdits en Islande ?

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Visa et MasterCard bientôt interdits en Islande ?

Les parlementaires islandais, qui ont senti le bruit des foules furieuses après la crise financière et économique qui a frappé leur pays, sont devenus sourcilleux sur certains comportements des grands groupes financiers et autres. Ainsi menacent-ils de retirer leurs licences d’activité en Islande à Visa et à MasterCard à cause de la décision de ces deux sociétés de bloquer les donations faites à Wikileaks.

Cet intéressant exemple est développé par Eric W. Dolan, de RAW Story, le 13 décembre 2010.

«Credit card companies that prevented card-holders from donating money to the secrets outlet WikiLeaks could have their operating licenses taken away in Iceland, according to members of the Icelandic Parliamentary General Committee. Representatives from Mastercard and Visa were called before the committee Sunday to discuss their refusal to process donations to the website, reports Reykjavik Grapevine.

»“People wanted to know on what legal grounds the ban was taken, but no one could answer it,” Robert Marshall, the chairman of the committee, said. “They said this decision was taken by foreign sources.”

»The committee is seeking additional information from the credit card companies for proof that there was legal grounds for blocking the donations. Marshall said the committee would seriously review the operating licenses of Visa and Mastercard in Iceland.

»WikiLeaks' payment processor, the Icelandic company DataCell ehf, said it would take immediate legal action against the companies to make donations possible again. “DataCell who facilitates those payments towards Wikileaks has decided to take up immediate legal actions to make donations possible again,” DataCell CEO Andreas Fink said last week. “We cannot believe WikiLeaks would even create scratch at the brand name of Visa.”»


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